Chapter 10

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Wordcount: 3294


Harry sat in a carriage in the Hogwarts Express, Ginny at his side and Hermione in front of them, a book in her hands. Some things never change, Harry thought. It had been a very pleasant ride, with little talk and the stress of exams leaving their shoulders for a good two weeks. They were now approaching London and were stretching their legs as a knock on the door startled them. When they opened the door, a diminutive witch with flowing blonde hair and a timid smile stood before them.

"Hello," she greeted shyly and was let in by Harry. "I thought I'd stay close to you guys so I don't get lost," she added.

"Good idea. McGonagall was adamant that I bring you back in one piece," said Harry, a lopsided grin on his face at the frown on Mary's face. Hermione snorted and placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

"Don't worry, Mary. Harry's just being a prat," she assured her. Mary looked at Harry's feigned outrage and giggled as she relaxed into her seat.

"So, are you excited for Christmas at the Burrow?" asked Ginny, leaning forward and offering the smaller girl a smile too.

"I guess so," she said, "I don't really know what to expect. Christmas at my place was always very subdued, 'cause I'm an only child." She shrugged.

"Well, this will surely be a change from the usual. Ginny has five older brothers, plus her parents and Hermione and me, that's a whole lot of people, and a whole lot of presents,' said Harry, as excited at the prospect as a small child.

"You think they will give me presents? But they don't even know me." She frowned, confused.

"That won't matter to them. That is what they're like," offered Hermione. "I remember Harry got a jumper and some fudge from Mrs. Weasley in his first year, and she had only seen him once before,' she explained, and Mary smiled broadly.

Thirty minutes later, the scarlet steam engine drew to a stop at King's Cross Station, and the foursome made their way out of the train and up to Mrs. Weasley. As the older people got a hug, Molly rounded on Mary and offered her biggest smile.

"And you must be Mary, correct?" she asked, and Mary nodded, awed. "It's wonderful to finally meet you, dear. Harry and Ginny have told me so much about you," she exclaimed, ushering the group out of the platform and into the busy street beyond.

"They have?" she asked incredulously and looked at the young couple. They both nodded and smiled at her.

"Of course, I'd never miss the opportunity to tell Molly about my favourite student," said Harry, as he made a show of covering his mouth with open eyes, "Oops, shouldn't have said that, should I?"

Both Ginny and Hermione rolled their eyes as the small girl giggled. A Ministry car was waiting for them, and they trooped inside. Due to the inhuman speed of the bewitched car, they were rolling up on the dirt road at the Burrow in less than two hours. Harry looked expectantly at Mary as she took her first look at the house. Her jaw dropped from the sheer awe of seeing such a place. It was a weird contraption of many storeys, apparently held up by magic alone. She said as much to Harry, who nodded.

"It actually is. I didn't think I had ever seen such a magical place the first time I saw it," he mused, thinking back to his first untimely visit to the Burrow.

At that moment, Arthur Weasley bustled out of the house, hugging her daughter and surrogate children. He held out his hand formally to Mary and smiled,

"You must be Mary. Welcome to the Burrow. Please make yourself at home," he said, leading the group into the kitchen. Ron was already sitting at the table, waiting for dinner to be served. At the sight of his girlfriend, he launched himself at her and kissed her.

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