Chapter 21

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Wordcount: 4577


"Leave me alone!" bellowed Harry.

He had been having the Department of Mysteries nightmare every night since his speech at Hogwarts. It had already been three weeks, and Harry was getting tired and frustrated. Not only because he was sleeping horribly, but because he was not even close to figuring out if this nightmare meant anything.

Tonight it had been a little different though. He was still in the circular room with the many black doors, but this time there was someone else with him. More than one person, actually. As he looked around, black-cloaked figures appeared in front of the doors. When Harry approached them, they blocked his way in. Looking around, he noticed that one of the doors was not blocked by a figure.

He let out a breath and prepared for the worse. He opened the door slowly and walked forward. Upon entering, he saw someone crying in the corner of a small box-shaped room. Her blonde hair was matted with dirt and what looked like dried blood. Her quiet sobs ripped his heart, and Harry realised this was Mary. Sighing, he stepped forward and knelt beside her.

"Little one? Are you alright?" he asked, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. He saw her tense under his touch, and she flinched at the sound of his voice. Sniffing loudly, she nodded solemnly.

"Hey, little one. Look at me," he pleaded. He didn't know why he was so scared but she must have felt his concern, for she slowly turned around.

The sight in front of him shocked and almost made him take a step back. Her eyes were bloodshot and her cheeks were tearstained as if she had been crying for hours. She probably had, he figured. There was a small cut over her eyebrow, which was dripping blood slowly over the left side of her face. She was wearing a pretty yellow sundress that was ripped and torn at several spots. Her knees were scraped, bleeding slightly. The worst part, though, was her abdomen.

Starting just over the left side of her hip, a sizable gash ripped through the skin, climbing its way up to just under her right shoulder. Blood was still oozing from it, and her face was paling by the second. He felt his voice hitch as he spoke.

"Mary! What happened?" He was desperate at this point. He knew deep down that this was a dream, but he was still afraid. When she replied, it was little over a whisper.

"You said you would protect me, Harry," she whimpered. "I thought you loved me," she croaked, letting a fresh batch of tears roll from her eyes once more. Harry held her close to him, wrapping her in a tight embrace. The blood was soaking his shirt and tears were streaming from his eyes too. He couldn't seem to stop them.

He felt her shudder for a moment and held her at arm's length. Her eyes became glossed over, and it was like she was looking through him instead of at him. He frowned for a second before she spoke. But this time, her voice was not the sweet whisper that she usually had. This voice was much too deep for a twelve-year-old and had a certain drawl to it

"This, Potter is what happens when you play the hero. Those you love, an innocent little child, dead because you chose to stand and fight. There's no escape, Potter!" the voice spat. It still sounded eerily familiar, but he couldn't place it in his fear. "You know what you must do! Surrender, Potter. Surrender!"

After that ominous statement, Mary's body went limp. Harry watched in horror as her eyes became glassy and she stared lifelessly into space. Harry stared at his ward in shock, before collapsing to the floor. He was getting tired of this nightmare, but this time it had hit much too close to home. He screamed at the top of his lungs before his vision was engulfed by the now-familiar green flash of light.

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