Chapter 14

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Wordcount: 3849


The Hogwarts Express was bounding its way back to London. Harry had spent the last hour looking out the window, taking in their surroundings, as if to commit it all to memory. This was their last time aboard the scarlet steam engine. He felt a surge of nostalgia, remembering the first time he had found his way inside this same compartment, meeting his best friend, Ron, for the first time. He looked away from the window and into the beautiful face of a sleeping Ginny. He thought about just how lucky he had been to have found the Weasleys that day at King's Cross Station. Mary, who was sitting across from them next to Hermione, picked up on his look of longing.

"Sickle for your thoughts, Harry?" she asked, tilting her head curiously.

"Not much, little one," he answered, sighing, "I was just thinking about how lucky I am to have found you all, that's all."

"The feeling is mutual, you know?" Hermione informed him matter-of-factly, while Mary nodded vigorously. This made Harry smile despite himself. The girl had lost both her parents in the span of little over a year, and here she was, worrying about him.

"Well, at least you get to board the train again come September, little one," he reminded her, and her face lit up a little.

"True, but it won't be the same without you three," she said sadly. Harry leaned in and grinned.

"We have all summer to make up for it, don't we? Let's just make sure it's a good one," he told her, winking. At this, Mary smiled knowingly and giggled softly, glancing at Ginny, and then Hermione. The latter squinted and regarded Harry.

"Are you sure you're not planning anything else on the side, Harry?" she inquired, raising an eyebrow. Harry, however, was expecting this and donned a face of total innocence.

"Nope, just the house, for now, Hermione," he replied, smiling when Hermione glanced at the smaller girl, "Mary has been helping us with the plans for some time now. She's actually quite the artist. Right, little one?" he said. Mary shrugged and grinned.

"I suppose. I just hope it turns out okay," she mused, looking out the window. The mountain scenery had been replaced with green fields, and it looked beautiful. "Speaking of which," she added, taking out a piece of muggle paper and pencil, "this view could make for a great painting," she concluded happily, sketching out the fields as Harry and Hermione exchanged a look.

Thirty minutes before they were due to arrive in London, Ginny woke up stretching and yawning profusely. She looked around at the bemused expressions on her friends and boyfriend, "What?" she asked.

"You've been sleeping since we got on the train, Gin," Hermione informed her, "Why are you so tired, anyway?" she inquired. Now it was Harry and Ginny's turn to share a knowing smile, blushing as they struggled to contain their laughter. Hermione made a show of rolling her eyes and slumped back in her seat.

"Okay, I get it," she exclaimed before adding, "beat me over the head with it," under her breath. Mary looked between the three adults, a question on her face. Harry smiled and shook his head.

"Never you mind, little one," he told her. She huffed and crossed her arms, slumping back beside Hermione. Harry and Ginny just smiled at each other, as they started talking about the plans for their future home.

When they arrived at King's Cross Station, the foursome was greeted by Mrs. Weasley, who alternated her hugs between Ginny, Harry, Hermione, and Mary. Next to her had been Ron who, at the sight of her, wrapped Hermione in a tight embrace and a deep kiss. After a couple of minutes, they broke apart as a cough brought them back to reality. They turned to see Harry looking at them, raising an eyebrow.

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