Chapter 16

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Wordcount: 3404


September ninth dawned with a brilliant sun and a cloudless sky. As it made its way through her curtains and onto her face, Ginny groaned and turned over. She found herself staring into a pool of bright green eyes that were staring back at her. Even though it was only seven o'clock she couldn't help but smile at the sight that welcomed her this morning. Especially as it was a very special morning indeed.

Today was the day Ginny would have her first practice with her new team, the Holyhead Harpies. She had been nervously pacing the room the previous evening, while Harry read a book on Defence. Every now and then he would look up from his book and stare amusedly at her. She truly was beautiful when she was nervous, he thought.

They had been living in their new home for a week now, and their furnishing was nearly done. Harry had transfigured the headboard of their bed meticulously to represent a doe instead of a horse, and the result, they agreed, was not half bad. He wouldn't be getting any awards on sculpting any time soon, but the thought was what counted, Ginny had said.

Only two paintings decorated the room at the moment. The first of these was the picture of Harry and Ginny's first kiss, which was framed on Ginny's nightstand. It was the first thing Ginny had moved to the house when they moved their furniture. The second was the painting Mary had done for Harry of the Hogwarts Express, which hung over their headboard. They both figured Hogwarts was like a home to them, and they deemed the spot fitting for the picture.

After a few minutes, Ginny pulled back their Gryffindor covers – her idea, not his – and headed to the bathroom for a refreshing shower. They initiated their ritual of showering and heading to the kitchen together, where Kreacher was already waiting with a grand assortment of options. Harry thought the little elf had outdone himself this time, and he made a point of mentioning it.

"Master Harry is most welcome," Kreacher exclaimed, bowing deeply, "Kreacher thought Mistress Ginny might need the extra strength today," he added with a grin.

Ginny nodded and set down to enjoy a hearty breakfast, "well, it looks splendid. Thank you, Kreacher," she told him.

Ginny had really taken a liking to the small elf since their last encounter at the house of Black. Back then, he had been quite miserable, and she hadn't spared a moment's thought for the creature. As the past year moved forward, though, she realised that Kreacher had really changed for the better when he had harboured Harry, Ron, and Hermione during the war.

After deeming their stomachs satisfied, Harry and Ginny moved to the front door, thanking Kreacher again for his troubles. Once outside, the couple Apparated to a small cottage in the outskirts of Godric's Hollow. The dark-haired wizard knocked firmly on the front door as they awaited an answer. Minutes had passed when the door flew open and a beaming Andromeda Tonks appeared in front of them.

"Harry, Ginny. Glad to see you today," she exclaimed, letting them in. After the pleasantries were dealt with, Harry looked around and then at the ageing witch.

"Where is little Teddy?" he asked. His question was answered almost immediately when a turquoise blur hurled itself at Harry.

"Harree!" Teddy exclaimed. Harry smiled at the little boy. They had been practicing the pronunciation of his name, and that had been the best he could get out of the one-year-old.

"Hey there, Tedster," said Harry, hugging his godson tightly. He surely was getting bigger, Harry thought ruefully. The small child looked around to see the redhead sitting by his godfather, and smiled.

"Gin Gin!" he exclaimed once more, before launching himself at the witch. She returned the hug in kind and smiled at Harry over the boy's shoulders.

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