Chapter 6

3K 62 47

Wordcount: 3552


The following day, Harry sat at the kitchen table rapidly devouring Mrs. Weasley's amazing cooking. Ginny had already finished and sat in awe as she watched her boyfriend finish a third serving of bacon.

"Geez, Harry. You'll make yourself sick at this point," Ginny said, half concerned, half amused.

As Harry gulped down the last of his tea he looked at Ginny and smiled, "I'm done. Wanna get going?" he said as he sat up. Ginny shook her head and followed suit.

Harry and Ginny made their way to the fireplace, and within ten minutes were being welcomed inside Gringotts Wizarding Bank. They walked straight to a desk, where a goblin sat doing some sort of paperwork. Harry coughed and the goblin looked up, noticing the lightning scar.

"Ah, Mr. Potter. The door on the left, if you please," he said in an almost bored tone. They followed his instructions and stood behind the door.

The couple looked at each other and knocked on the door to the left before trooping in. A small office held a tiny desk and two chairs in front of the goblin that had taken Harry to his vault previously, Kandak.

"Mr. Potter," he said as a statement, "I trust you had a pleasant birthday?" he asked, not unkindly. Harry was taken aback by the sudden amicability of the goblin. He blinked before sitting down and saying,

"Yes, I did. Thank you," he looked around and noticed the office bore no proof that anyone worked here other than the desk. The walls were bare, bearing a pale crimson colour. "I think you had something you needed to tell me about my statements?" he asked, still confused about what that might mean.

"Yes, of course," said Kandak as he produced a rather large piece of parchment and set it on the desk between them, facing himself. "As you must already know, you were left a small fortune by your parents, which you discovered at the age of eleven, am I correct?" he asked.

"Yes, sir." Although small is not the word he would have used.

"Very well," he said as he placed a small brass key on the table. "You are probably also aware that your godfather, Sirius Black, left you the entire Black family fortune. This, of course, comes with the gold, jewellery, and estates linked with said fortune."

"Yes, sir," said Harry. He didn't actually know what the Black family fortune entailed, just that the Blacks were a very wealthy family. He hadn't even known there were properties attached to it.

Kandak again placed a second key next to the other, this one much more ornate than the first, made out of silver.

"What you have not been made aware, however, is that your parents didn't only have that small fortune for you, Mr. Potter," said Kandak as he placed a third key, much like the second, next to the other two. "You see, the Potters were a very wealthy family as well, and James Potter being the sole heir got it all. Now, seeing as you are his sole heir and are now officially of age, the rest of the Potter family fortune will be transferred to your vault," he finished, before waving his hand over the keys. To Harry and Ginny's astonishment, all three keys hovered over the table and started merging, finally forming a single key. This one was definitely made out of gold, with complicated patterns strewn across it. "Now, it is my honour to present to you the final key that will hold all of this, all in one enclosed space," he picked up the key and stretched over the desk to present it to Harry.

Harry, astonished, took the key and inspected it. It was indeed gold; kind of heavy, but not uncomfortably so. As he grasped what Kandak had just informed him he had a thought,

"How – How much is there?" He was afraid to even know the figure. He was never that bright at math, but he knew that the word fortune was not used lightly by goblins.

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