Chapter 19

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Wordcount: 4059


Harry felt relaxed and well-rested when he woke up the next morning. Apparently, Ginny had let him sleep in, and for that he was grateful. Yesterday had been exhausting, albeit rewarding. He knew he had done quite well for his first day in Auror training, and having a day off was just what he needed to unwind.

Sitting up on his bed, he reached for his glasses. When he had them on, he wondered if they should start adding more decorations to their room. Apart from the two paintings and the Order of Merlin medals that were displayed on the right wall, there was not much else. A couple of books were piled in one corner, as his last bookcase had been filled two days ago. He really needed to get a move on with the library, he told himself ruefully.

After a few minutes of stretching the grogginess off, Harry stepped into the shower and prepared for the day ahead. As it was 10 o'clock, he thought he could still enjoy a great portion of the day. When he climbed the stairs down into the kitchen, Kreacher welcomed him with breakfast. After thanking the elf, he thought for a moment.

"Kreacher, would you like to join me?" he asked the small elf. Kreacher's eyes went wide, and a huge grin split his face.

"Master would like for Kreacher to join him at the breakfast table?" he croaked, a sense of awe in his voice that Harry couldn't help but notice.

"Yes, I would like that very much," he told him. Kreacher took a few more moments before nodding and sitting down on the chair opposite Harry. His small face barely reached the tabletop as he helped himself to some bacon.

"Master is much too kind," he said gleefully as he stuffed himself with bacon and eggs.

Harry chuckled and nodded, turning to his own breakfast. He had a light one since he would be eating lunch at the Cauldron today. He figured that since he had a full day off, he could enjoy a leisure stroll up Diagon Alley. He could also check out some stores, like Flourish and Blotts. Even if he didn't have a library to store them in yet, he still wanted to check out the latest releases.

Once he was ready, he walked to the edge of his wards and Apparated to a narrow side alley that led to Gringotts. Figuring he might as well get some money while he was at it, he stepped into the pristine white building. Upon arriving at the counter, the teller took one look at him and smiled.

"Ah, Mr. Potter. Do you wish to see your account manager?" he asked. Harry was taken aback by the sudden friendliness but thought he shouldn't be surprised. Not only was he the biggest single account in Gringotts, but he was used to treating the Goblins as equals, something that most wizards didn't take into account. He figured that respect was well received among the creatures.

"Yes, please," he replied with a smile. The goblin nodded once and gestured for him to go through the hallway. He had been through this many times over the last summer and this, and he made his way towards Kandak's office. When he knocked, he heard a mumbled, "come in."

He opened the door and shook hands with his account manager, who shifted his demeanour to one of amicability the moment he set eyes on the raven-haired wizard.

"Mr. Potter, so good to see you," said Kandak, "What can I do for you today?"

"It's good to see you too, Kandak," he replied, "I'd like to see my account statements and make a withdrawal, please," he informed the goblin. Kandak nodded and disappeared behind his own desk before re-emerging with a big scroll of parchment and a rather large empty pouch.

Harry knew the parchment to be his statement, and so he took a quick look at it. Once he was finished, he frowned and looked at the goblin sitting across from him.

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