Chapter 31

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Wordcount: 3876


Days passed, and Ginny was still steadfastly refusing to bend to Malfoy's will. She still held the belief that her husband would find her and forced herself to remain strong against Lucius Malfoy. Every day, a different Death Eater would come into her cell and ask the standard questions. How had Harry defeated Voldemort? What were his weaknesses? She was sick of it, to be honest.

Of course, she would never give up whatever information she had, so she remained quiet throughout most days. This silence warranted torture, of course, in the form of the Cruciatus Curse. Writhing in pain, Ginny would take solace in the fact that she might foil their plans if she died. Despite her attitude, she didn't really want to die; not now that her life was just starting to take another turn for the better.

Two weeks had passed since her abduction – or at least that's if she hadn't miscounted – and Lucius was getting impatient, much to her limited entertainment. She could tell he was desperate by the look of annoyance her silence put on his face. Today, though, he seemed to be even more so. She was awoken by the clang of the iron door slamming open, and the tall lanky figure of Lucius Malfoy looming over her.

"Get up," he demanded, yanking her up to a sitting position. Her fatigue was killing her and she fought very hard to remain in that position. It would not do to show weakness now. "Here you go," he spat, conjuring a plate of very questionable food on the floor in front of her.

Had it not been for the laughable amounts of food she had been getting, she would have refused profusely. But now, she forced herself to accept the meal, ravishing it in front of her captor. Despite the lack of a mirror or reflective surface, she could feel her cheeks were starting to become gaunt. Her hair was matted with dirt and grime and, after weeks of not showering, she smelled horrible.

"Such a waste," he drawled, smirking at the hunched figure of Ginny, "You're feisty, I will give you that."

Ginny chose to remain silent, as all responses she could think of would surely earn her another round of torture. Malfoy took no notice and started pacing the room as she ate. Ginny looked around and examined her temporary living situation. Bones of small animals littered the floor in the darkest corners, ivy wound its way through the cracks in the stone walls, and the sole source of light was the torch that was stationed right outside the cell.

The second Ginny had devoured the last remnants of the food, Malfoy vanished the plate and slowly knelt beside her, twirling his wand in his hands as if to assert his dominance over her.

"You already know what I want, and you know exactly how to stop this," he told her, "Now, I will only ask this once. How did your husband defeat the Dark Lord?" he said very slowly.

"What makes you think," she said, wincing from the pain of sitting up straight, "that I would know how he did it?"

"Simple, we know how much he loves you," he said in a contemptuous tone as if the mere idea of it made him sick. Ginny let out a throaty chuckle.

"You really are grasping at straws, aren't you?" she teased, earning a slap in the face.

"Silence, girl," he yelled, "It doesn't matter anyway. Soon it will be over," he added.

"What do you mean?" she asked, a tinge of fear leaking into her voice.

"If you won't tell us what we want, you might as well be useful in some other way," he told her, grinning at the discomfort he was causing in her.

"What will you do?" she asked again, clutching her stomach once more as Malfoy waved her wand at her.

"Crucio!" Ginny screamed in pain as the spell coursed through her veins. As quickly as it came, the curse was gone.

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