Chapter 22

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Wordcount: 3732


"Little one?"

Harry's voice sounded far away, almost a stranger's. He felt numb, and all he could do was stare at the limp figure of Mary lying on the floor of the platform. Her sliced stomach had stopped bleeding, courtesy of a healing charm from Robards. Her eyes were closed and she looked deathly pale. Harry reached over hesitantly and placed two fingers to her throat.

When he felt the slow heartbeat he let out a long breath he didn't know he had been holding. At least she was alive, he thought. As if moved only by sheer force of will, he stood up and started instructing Aurors to secure a perimeter and get the injured to St. Mungo's. He looked back at Mary, who was now being gently hoisted up by Robards.

"I'll take her, Robards. Please," pleaded Harry. He couldn't leave her alone; he just couldn't. No turning back now, he thought ruefully.

Robards just nodded and slowly placed Mary's tiny body in Harry's arms. With a last look at the platform, he Apparated to the vestibule of St. Mungo's. He rushed to the front desk, where a short witch with long mousy hair was writing down the last details of another of the injured. Harry waited patiently until it was his turn, tapping his foot. The immaculate walls and floor of the hospital seemed to be mocking him and his ward, grime and blood covering them almost head to toe. When it was his turn, he stepped forward.

"Please, I need a Healer for her. She was hit with a Slashing curse."

When the witch took a look at him, she gasped. Harry rolled her eyes and frowned. "Yes, I'm Harry bloody Potter, now will you please get me a room for my child?" he almost yelled. He was getting desperate, he realised.

With a quick nod, the short witch stepped through a back door and reappeared two minutes later with a tall red-haired wizard.

"Hello, Mr. Potter, I'm Healer Peralta. Please follow me this way," the man said, gesturing to a door to the side of the hallway.

Harry followed the man inside and looked around. It was a simple room with white walls, a bed and a nightstand to one side. He walked slowly toward the bed and gently placed Mary on it as if she might shatter from the impact. When he checked for a pulse again, his eyes widened. He looked at the Healer and beckoned for him to approach the bed.

"I can't feel it, I can't," he kept saying. Once the Healer stood to the side of Mary's bed and began his inspection, Harry crumpled onto a chair that he magicked wandlessly. Trying as hard as he could not to think of Mary, and focusing on a happy memory, he produced a number of Patroni to let his family know where he was. The Healer eyed him curiously but continued his inspection wordlessly.

"Don't worry, Mr. Potter. She's still with us, albeit very weak," the Healer assured Harry, who sighed and put his face in his hands.

"Thank God," exclaimed Harry.

"I just need to run some test to make sure she's out of the woods. She did lose a great amount of blood," Peralta informed him, pointing at the bloodstained robes and her pale face. "Would you mind waiting for me out in the waiting room?"

Harry could only nod curtly and slump his way back into the waiting room, where he sat down shakily on one of the chairs. Scores of patients and their relatives were sat all around the waiting room. They seemed too consumed in their own maladies that they barely spared a glance for Harry. For that, he was grateful. He was only brooding for a few minutes before his fiancée appeared in the vestibule and spotted him. She ran to him and engulfed him in a fierce hug.

"Oh Merlin, Harry, you scared the crap out of us, you know?" she told him. Harry chuckled softly despite himself.

"Sorry about that, love," he said, kissing her deeply.

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