Chapter 17

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Wordcount: 3916


Ron Weasley lay on his bed inside his apartment over Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes. It was nearly nine o'clock on the morning of September Ninth. He groaned as a ray of sunlight hit his face and he was forced out of his comfort zone and into the day ahead. Slumping his way to the bathroom, he made himself presentable before preparing a small breakfast and finally walking down to man the counter.

He and George had opened a new store in the village of Hogsmeade in early June, and he had been tasked with managing it. Ever since the end of the war, Ron took it upon himself to help his brother get back on his feet after the loss of Fred. It was a mutual process of help, he gathered, but he knew George had been hit the hardest by his twin's death.

As today was Saturday, Ron wasn't surprised to see a number of students already milling about in the streets. It wasn't long before they would start to drift into the store, and the redhead was left to his thoughts for a few moments.

He knew today was also the first day of Ginny's training at the Holyhead Harpies, and that Harry would be accompanying her. He was proud of his little sister as he knew it had been her childhood dream to play for the Harpies. Well, that and marrying The Boy Who Lived.

Ron took a moment to think about his best friend's relationship with his sister. At first, he had been sceptical, seeing as Harry had broken her heart once before while they were at war. But, over time, he was able to get past that and he had to admit, though grudgingly, that they made a cute couple.

Harry's request to marry his sister had come as a shock to them all, but not to Ron. Not that that made him any less uncomfortable with it. He had two reasons for his rather uncharacteristic acceptance. First, he knew his best friend quite well, despite what Hermione said about his observational skills. He knew, then, that Harry had been through hell and back, and that he truly was grateful for his second chance at being with the woman he loved.

His second reason was much simpler: Ron could tell, even from a mile away, how deeply in love Harry was with the redheaded witch. And, in turn, how much of that love was reflected in Ginny's eyes when they looked at each other. Ron didn't even have to think about giving Harry the 'older brother talk', as he knew the black-haired wizard might just take his own punishment into his own hands if something were to happen to Ginny.

Ron smiled at the memory of him and his brothers giving Harry their blessing. He couldn't believe his baby sister would be getting married. And to his best friend, no less. That line of thought got him thinking about his own relationship with a bushy-haired witch that was due to arrive at one for lunch at the Three Broomsticks.

He had thought about their relationship a whole lot over the summer, more so upon learning of Harry and Ginny's engagement. Were they ready to take that step? No, definitely not. Ron knew Hermione would want to concentrate on her new career for now, and he didn't really think he was ready for that kind of commitment.

He thought back to a week ago when the Weasleys had helped Harry and Ginny move their furniture to their new home in Ottery St. Catchpole. He had been impressed at the forward-thinking the couple had done, as the house sported five bedrooms. He knew they were thinking of the possibility of kids, and the thought scared him. He didn't know if he was ready to see Ginny pregnant, much less being supportive about it. He had to draw some boundaries, he told himself.

He was brought back to reality when the door swung open and a fresh batch of third-years flooded through, marvelling at the twins' inventiveness. Ron put on his best smile and proceeded to help the customers with whatever question they had, and manning the counter as well.

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