Chapter 13

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Wordcount: 3094


"We did it! Harry got it!" Mary burst through the door of the Burrow, a huge smile on her face, and she almost ran into Mrs. Weasley, who embraced her.

"Congratulations, dear," she said looking at Harry. He nodded, still smiling himself. It had been two stressful hours in which the Wizengamot asked him all sorts of questions about how he would care for the girl and her needs. He didn't want to admit that he was the single biggest account in Gringotts, so he just assured the court that he had more than enough money to provide for Mary's scholarship, and then some. He had had to explain why he took an interest in her, and after he did he had to stand outside while they all debated for another hour. He was just glad it was over.

"Yeah, it was quite tricky, but we did it. I am now Mary's legal guardian," he said proudly, as Mary beamed at him. The last week had been hard for her, having to attend her father's funeral and then telling her mother about his death. Harry had been there for her every step of the way, and she had endured it with a maturity Harry hadn't thought she had.

"That's wonderful, Harry. Now what say we get you two all fed up before you go back to Hogwarts?" she said, to which Harry and Mary nodded enthusiastically. They had been given permission by McGonagall to leave by Floo to attend the hearing, and they were to come back no later than three o'clock in the afternoon. As they ate, Mary lifted her head and looked at Harry quizzically.

"Does this mean that I have to call you dad now?" she asked, and Harry laughed at her innocence.

"No, little one. You can call me whatever you like, but Harry would be best I guess," he explained, patting her arm gently, "I wouldn't want to be called dad for some time now," he added as an afterthought, looking at some point far off.

Mary nodded and went back to her food. She made a point of congratulating Mrs. Weasley on her amazing cooking. Molly just laughed and smiled at her.

"Oh, dear, I'm glad you enjoy it. Remember you'll be getting a lot of this over the summer," she reminded her and Mary beamed. Harry had arranged for Mary to stay with them at the Burrow, at least until his and Ginny's house was finished. Of course, he had skipped mentioning the house to Molly, for now. First, he needed to talk to Arthur.

After they were done, Harry led Mary to the fireplace and preceded her in Flooing to McGonagall's office. Seconds after he appeared, Mary tripped out of the fireplace and Harry caught her. He smiled at her and said,

"Never got used to it, did you?"

"Nope. Never have, never will," she said, smiling. They greeted McGonagall and made their way to the Great Hall. Once they sat down at the Gryffindor table, Ginny and Hermione came hurrying towards them.

"And? Did you get it?" Ginny asked expectantly, taking in Harry and Mary's joyful expressions.

"Yup, we did it. You're looking at Mary's guardian," he said, smiling at his girlfriend.

"That's wonderful!" she exclaimed, hugging both Harry and his ward, "Did they ask you lots of questions?"

"Some, I think they didn't want to argue with Harry Potter, to be honest," he said, shrugging. This got eye-rolls from all three girls, and Hermione said.

"Well, just in time, tonight's the Leaving Feast, remember?"

"Wow, I didn't think about it," Harry said, looking down at his hands, "I can't believe we're actually leaving Hogwarts for good."

"It will be weird not coming back here in September," said Hermione wistfully.

"Actually, I don't even know what you're doing after we finish school, Hermione," Harry said, raising an eyebrow at her. She had the grace to blush.

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