Chapter 26

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Wordcount: 4974


Harry was woken by the summer sun caressing his face as the day of his wedding dawned. He rubbed the drowsiness off his face and sat up to get a good look at his surroundings. They had agreed that Harry and his groomsmen would stay the night at the Gryffindor dormitories, while Ginny and her bridesmaids would ride in on the Hogwarts Express, which was making an exception for the Boy Who Lived.

He didn't like to use the 'saviour-of-the-world' card often, but he was hell-bent on making this day as special and unique as he could. He put on his glasses and ran his hands through his messy hair. He cursed his father for passing on this rat's nest he called hair onto him. Getting up was easy, though the shaking didn't help. He wouldn't lie, he was extremely nervous.

Ron stirred in his sleep from the bed beside him, a line of drool oozing from the corner of his mouth. Harry had an idea. With a silent levitation charm, Ron hovered out of his bed and started floating limply towards the sleeping form of Neville. When he was right above the sleeping man, Harry dropped Ron onto him and they both woke with a start.

"What the-?" Ron blurted out, before looking around and spotting a smug looking Harry. "I knew you wouldn't be able to resist pulling something like this," he said, getting out of Neville's bed and standing up.

"Way to start your wedding day, huh?" said Neville, stretching in his bed. Both men rubbed their eyes and blinked.

"The best," said Harry, "Now, get a move on, the girls will be here in less than four hours."

With that, the three of them set out to prepare themselves. Harry was the first to shower, and he accepted the cold water much like a cup of coffee, waking him up fully for the day ahead. After that, he gingerly put on his tux so as to not wrinkle it in the process. It was jet black, with a white shirt and a bowtie to complement it. Hermione and Molly had given him the seal of approval on it, of course.

There, he waited for his two friends to get ready so the three of them could go finish the last minute preparations before the bride arrived. When they entered the Great Hall, Harry gasped at the sight in front of him. The house tables had been removed and replaced by rows of red chairs facing the front of the Hall. In the middle was an aisle covered in a golden cloth, which led to the altar.

The altar was adorned first and foremost by a simple red and gold arch, woven from strands of linen by magic, courtesy of Professor Flitwick. A podium with an intricate pattern stood in the middle, an ornate looking book hovering over it. This was for the Minerva, who had agreed to officiate the ceremony. As Headmistress of Hogwarts, she was authorized by the Ministry of Magic to perform weddings. She considered this their wedding gift, she had said.

Around the room were round lanterns glowing with the colours of Gryffindor House, which was the chosen colour scheme for the entire wedding. Scores of lanterns hovered just above head-level, casting an orange glow upon most of the furniture. Harry, Neville, and the Weasleys set out to help out in any way they could to finish arranging the place.

Meanwhile, bounding its way down the Scottish Highlands, the Hogwarts Express was filled by Ginny, her bridesmaids, Mary, and Molly. She had chosen Hermione as her Maid of Honour, who had accepted it with glee. For her bridesmaids, she had chosen Luna, Fleur, Angelina, and Tracy, a fellow Chaser at the Holyhead Harpies. They had become quite close over the past year, and could safely say Tracy was her best friend among the team.

As they had less than three hours left until they got to Hogsmeade, all the women were stationed to prepare Ginny for her big day. While Fleur and Angelina helped her with her makeup, Tracy and Hermione did her hair. She didn't like having to ask them for help, but she was willing to compromise for this day only. She wanted to look her best for her future husband.

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