Chapter 4

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Wordcount: 3082


The Thursday before his birthday, Harry found himself sitting at the desk of Percy's old room; his own now. Early evening loomed upon the room as thin silver tendrils moonlight started creeping their way into the dimly lit studio. A single candle shone on the surface of Harry's desk. A letter hung loosely off the edge and Harry could make out its content as he prepared his response, quill in hand.

'Dear Harry,

I know you probably don't want to hear this, but I just wanted to apologize for my behaviour towards you. I was also hoping you would agree to meet me at our place when you get the chance. I know I probably don't deserve it, but it would mean a lot to me if you could. Send your answer through Miss. Figgs, and she'll relay the message.



The barn owl carrying the letter had interrupted Harry's nap as he pecked at his nose. The contents of the piece of parchment attached to its leg were more surprising, however. Harry had realised a couple of things as he read through the letter, pinching himself as if trying to wake up from a dream. Firstly, he noticed he hadn't spared a moment's thought about the Dursleys since his seventeenth birthday, almost a year ago. He hadn't even known they had come back from hiding. The latter hadn't really come as a surprise, as the war had ended over almost three months ago.

Secondly, he saw the sincerity in his cousin's words; something he had never thought could be a possibility, considering the words being employed. Harry knew his cousin had changed, if at least a little bit, since his acknowledgement of the fact that he 'wasn't a waste of space', as his parents had put it. Could it be possible that that had been a turning point in his overly large cousin?

Ginny had a less than pleasant view of the matter. Some very colourful swear words ensued from her mouth as she took the letter from Harry's hand. Anger and indignation were only some of the emotions flaring in her eyes as she expressed her disgust at the thought of even acknowledging Dudley's letter, and her desire to use the parchment to help light the hearth.

As Harry listened to his girlfriend rant, his thoughts seemed to be taking a mind of their own. He knew right down to his core that Dudley had been a nightmare to him for most of his life, especially after learning of Harry's ability to perform magic. Nonetheless, he couldn't push the nagging thought that these people were actually his only remaining family. One of the last, if distant, links to his parents. Upon voicing this particular concern, Ginny rounded on him, indignant.

"What are you talking about, Harry? We are a better family to you than they ever were to you," she began to take deep breaths as she settled in a chair, intently staring incredulously at her boyfriend. Surely, he couldn't be serious about accepting the invitation?

"I know, Gin," he defended himself, smiling at the fierceness with which she presented her rather logical arguments, "but this is not the same. You wouldn't understand, because you have always known your family. These people are my last remaining blood relatives. One of the only links to my mother..." he said finished lamely, looking down at his hands.

Ginny felt her resolve falter at the pained expression on Harry's face, conceding that what he was saying was true. She had never known anything other than a loving family, while Harry had always been shunned because of his abilities.

"I just feel that I have to at least try and make peace with them, you know?" he looked up at her, the glistening of the corners of his eyes not escaping Ginny's notice. Cheap move, Potter, she thought reluctantly. "If not for my benefit, for my mother's. I know she would have wanted to make amends with Aunt Petunia for their childhood quells," he concluded, a plea in his eyes. He had already battled his thoughts on his own. He didn't want to go through the ordeal again with Ginny.

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