Chapter 8

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Wordcount: 3467


The first week back at Hogwarts flew by with no further incident. Harry was sitting at the Gryffindor table helping himself to some dinner, while some of his students timidly approached him and asked him whatever question they had. He was gaining a reputation for being a more than easily accessible teacher, and he loved it. Harry was enjoying himself immensely, between his NEWT classes and his teaching duties. He almost hadn't noticed that this was the first year that he wasn't in any sort of immediate danger or threat from a homicidal maniac. That thought put a smile on his face, and with a wave to his friends and Ginny, he made his way to McGonagall's office.

He had asked her for a private meeting with Dumbledore, as he had some unresolved questions for his former mentor. McGonagall accepted and advised him to come by her office Friday night. He told the gargoyle the password – "Albus." – When he knocked on the wooden door, a muffled voice said, "Come in," and he opened it.

McGonagall's office was exactly the same as it had been when Dumbledore used it. All the shining silver machinery stood where it had, and the stone Pensieve resided in a corner, its swirling contents casting an eerie light into the otherwise pleasantly lit room.

"Good evening, Professor," said Harry, sitting down across from his current Headmistress.

"Good evening, Professor," she responded, the beginnings of a smile threatening to break her stern visage.

Harry grinned and looked up at the portrait of Albus Dumbledore. Despite the feigned snores of the rest of the portraits, Dumbledore was regarding Harry with a piercing stare over his half-moon spectacles. A smile adorned his features as Harry addressed him.

"Hello, Professor. It's been a while," he said, smiling at his former Headmaster.

"That it has, my boy, that it has. Let me congratulate you once more on a job well done," said Dumbledore with a nod in Harry's direction, "I haven't seen such peaceful times for fifty years, and for that, I thank you."

Harry was actually getting annoyed at people always thanking him for something that was clearly a group effort. But when Dumbledore said it, he felt a surge of pride rise within him that he couldn't explain. Remembering his original purpose, he shook his head and looked back at Dumbledore.

"Sir, I was wondering if you could answer some questions for me," he inquired.

"Certainly, my boy. That is why I'm here, after all," he said, chuckling.

"Would you like some privacy, Harry?" said McGonagall, making to stand up.

"Not necessary, Professor," he answered, before thinking about it. "Actually, you might be able to help me too," he finished and McGonagall nodded for him to continue.

"First things first, I wanted to let you know that I will be returning this," he explained, taking the Elder Wand out of his back pocket and placing it on the desk, "to its original owner. As we discussed, Professor, if I were to die of natural causes, its power would then die with me?"

"Most likely, Harry. I haven't done much research into it, but that is probably the general consensus, yes," said Dumbledore.

"Which is why I need your help, Professor," he continued, addressing McGonagall, 'to return it to Dumbledore's tomb."

McGonagall seemed to consider this, before nodding. "I will help you, Harry. We can go tonight, under cover of darkness, and reseal the tomb before midnight," she said as Harry nodded.

"Great, thanks," he said before looking back at Dumbledore. "There's also something else," he said.

"Let's see, my boy. I daresay, Harry, you always seem to give us the most amazing puzzles to solve," said Dumbledore, the twinkle of his eyes never leaving them.

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