Chapter 9

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Wordcount: 3306


"Bloody hell," Harry heard Ron mutter as they inspected the drastic change the Great Hall had undertaken. The four house tables had been removed, replaced by a number of smaller, round tables. In the middle, space was left bare as a dance floor. The tables were all covered in white linen tablecloths, surrounded by white chairs. The dais that usually served as the staff table was still there but was now covered in a beige tablecloth, dinner platters already set as the staff helped themselves to flagons of who knows what. Bloody hell, indeed.

Harry scanned the tables. Some of them were occupied by students and their guests, but what caught his attention was a certain table that sported a group of redheaded individuals, waving them over. Harry led the small group to where the Weasleys sat, a question on his face.

"Kingsley invited us, dear," Mrs. Weasley said by way of explanation. "Insisted, more like it. He was adamant that all Weasleys be present," she explained, while Harry and Ginny shared a look of disbelief. What was Kingsley playing at?

They sat down at the four remaining tables, Ginny taking the spot to the left of Harry, and waited for the Hall to fill up. He could see some of the students looking in their direction, confused. They hadn't been able to bring a guest, but here were the entire Weasley clan. He tried to convey as much confusion in the shrugs he gave as he could, and the students kept on walking. Ten minutes later, everyone was seated, and McGonagall approached the podium to address the Ball.

"Good evening, everyone. It's a pleasure to see you all dressed up," she said, an uncharacteristic smile on her face. Harry looked around; most of the older students were indeed dressed up, but the younger ones wore the usual school robes. They probably had never come to a Ball, Harry thought. "Tonight, we have a special guest that would like to make a few announcements. Please welcome Minister Shacklebolt," she stepped aside as Kingsley took her place. When the applause died down, he spoke in his deep booming voice.

"Good evening, Hogwarts. It gives me immense joy to know everyone here will have a good time tonight, and I want to congratulate a few people if you don't mind," he said, smiling. A few chuckles were followed by complete silence as Kingsley put on a much grimmer face. "Nearly half a year ago, the Battle of Hogwarts took place in these very halls. Although it was a great victory for the entire Wizarding World, it came at an immense price. Fifty-three lives were lost fighting for our freedom. And I would like to acknowledge that sacrifice. If a family member of those that lost their lives would come forward, please?" he asked

As Harry watched, a great number of people rose and filed to the front of the dais. He noticed with a pang that George was the one that walked forward in representation of his twin. He also saw Dennis Creevey, a sad smile etched on his face. When everyone was in place, Kingsley nodded and walked forward, to be at the same level as the family members.

"I would like to acknowledge the sacrifices your families have made so that we may now live in peace, even if I can't bring them back. So it is with great honour that I present each of these brave people with the Order of Merlin, Third Class," he boomed, presenting each family member with a medal and a handshake. The Hall erupted in respectful applause. Harry saw with relief that the Weasleys all looked proud, a smile on each of their faces. Even George seemed to stand up straighter, holding his brother's medal.

As everyone received the medal, they thanked the Minister and sat back down at their table, Kingsley nodded and went on.

"Congratulations indeed. There are also a few extra acknowledgements we would like to give," he continued, and Harry thought he knew where this was going. "I would invite Neville Longbottom, Ginevra Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Seamus Finnegan, Hannah Abbot, and Dean Thomas to join me up here," he said. With a nudge from Harry, Ginny made her way up to the dais with the rest of the students. "These remarkable witches and wizards were part of a group called Dumbledore's Army. They were a key element in the battle and the defeat of Voldemort," he declared, as applause ensued.

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