Chapter 12

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Wordcount: 3474


The birth of the first Weasley grandchild stirred a great amount of happiness in the family. Harry, Ginny, and Hermione couldn't get out of school at the moment, as schoolwork started to mount ever higher, but they were looking forward to meeting the baby come summer. Ginny especially was excited to meet her niece for the first time.

In the weeks that followed the opening of the Hall of Remembrance, Harry visited Fred, Remus, and Tonks regularly. One weekend, with McGonagall's permission, Harry walked up to Tonks and Remus' portrait with Teddy walking slowly by his side, holding his and Ginny's hand. At the sight of her son, Tonks dropped to her knees and started crying. Even though her face was streaked with tears, her smile had never been wider.

"Oh my god, Harry. He's beautiful," she exclaimed when they came to a halt in front of the portrait. Teddy examined the two people in it and looked back at Harry.

"Mama," he said. He had started forming a couple of words, and Harry nodded at him.

"Yes, honey. I'm your mama," said Tonks through a fresh batch of tears, "You have grown so much, my dear boy," she exclaimed, as Teddy promptly changed his hair to bubblegum pink, matching his mother's.

"Hello, son. I'm your dad, Remus," Lupin said, kneeling beside his wife, and smiling at the baby.

Teddy's hair changed once more, this time matching his father's short brown one. Harry and Ginny chuckled behind him. He had taken a liking to change his hair to match whoever was speaking to him at the time, and this was no different. He had turned one shortly before the anniversary of the Battle, and they had unfortunately missed it. Harry had felt guilty, so he promised him a visit to his parents' portrait to make it up to him.

Harry saw Ginny kneel beside Teddy as she talked to Tonks and Remus about all the things their baby boy had gotten up to this past year. He could see the love in Ginny's eyes as she looked at Teddy, and wondered, not for the first time, how long it would be before she'd be doing that for their own children. He had been very uncertain about a lot of things in his life, like his career choice or whether or not he would survive the war, but this he knew for certain. He wanted to spend the rest of his life with this woman; marry her, have children with her, grow old together. The more he thought about it, the more he was convinced of this notion, and he loved it.

After an hour of reacquainting themselves, Harry led Ginny and Teddy to the Hogwarts gates, where Andromeda was waiting to claim her grandson and bring him home. She had already visited her daughter's portrait before and wanted to give Teddy some space as he met his parents for the first time.

As they walked back to the common room, Harry kissed Ginny on the top of her head and whispered,

"I love you, Ginny."

"I love you too, Harry," she replied, kissing his nose and leading him through the portrait hole, where they curled up on their favourite spot until they fell asleep after hours of talking.

Mary, on the other hand, was having the time of her life. Her lessons were fun and informative. She loved to learn about the different aspects of magic that she had been hearing about through her parents nearly all her life. Her favourite subject was Defence Against the Dark Arts, of course. She and Harry had formed a closer bond since the Christmas break, and she felt comfortable talking to him about anything. She was amazed at how Harry could care about her, considering everything he must have on his plate. But that had never bothered Harry, and Mary noticed he made himself available to any and all students who sought him out after classes.

Mary was torn, however, between this feeling of elation at school and the feeling of sadness that her father was no longer sending her letters. She knew he was usually assigned to field work and it had always been hard for him to reach her then, but he had always found a way to let her know he was fine in the past. She hadn't gotten a letter in two weeks, and she was feeling worried by that point. She said as much to Harry in one of their regular get-togethers, to which he nodded and explained.

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