Chapter 32

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Wordcount: 4886


The following morning, thimble rays of light broke through the curtains and onto Harry's face. Mary had let him sleep in so he would be well rested for what was to come. Rolling lazily in his bed, he reached over Ginny's spot for his wand resting at the bedside table. With a flick of his wrist, the blinds rolled up, letting the late morning sun through, casting elongated shadows on his covers.

Feeling revitalised, he rushed to the bathroom and took a shower, all the while thinking of Ginny. I might get her back today, he thought gleefully, all too aware of the fact that it might also be a wild goose chase. He didn't care though, and, as he got dressed and climbed down the stairs, he dared to let himself hope.

Mary was already up and about in the kitchen, helping Kreacher and Winky with breakfast. When he entered, the small witch looked over her shoulder and gave him a smile, which he returned.

"Morning, Harry," she said as she scrambled some eggs. "Kreacher and I thought you would need all your strength today."

"Thank you, little one," he said, sitting down at the small kitchen table and thanking Winky when she handed him a cup of tea. "How long have you been up?"

"Not very long," she responded, shrugging. "I figured you needed some extra sleep, so I didn't bother you."

Harry chuckled and bit into a piece of toast Kreacher set on the table. The small elf gave him a small grin and sat down beside his master, digging into a plate of scrambled eggs. Harry was glad the elf was getting more comfortable with the idea of being treated like an equal, and he smiled at the thought of Hermione seeing this with her own eyes.

Ten minutes later, Harry bid Mary and the elves goodbye and walked out of the house, Apparating to the Ministry. It was almost midday. Once at the Law Enforcement Department, Harry noticed Abby and Robards deep in conversation at his desk. There was not much activity around the office, he noticed, yet his boss seemed to be tense.

When Harry walked in, Robards gestured at him and Abby turned to greet him.

"Harry!" she exclaimed, her face softening. "We thought maybe something had happened to you."

"Sorry, I overslept," he said truthfully, leaving his coat on a hanger by his desk. Suddenly, he remembered why he was here in the first place. "Abby, I think I know where Ginny is," he said.

Abby's eyes went wide, as did Robards's, and the demanded a full explanation. Harry nodded and walked them through his thought process, noticing their apprehension. As he finished, an excited expression on his face, Abby's pursed her lips.

"Harry, are you sure you're not jumping to conclusions?" she asked, not unkindly. "I mean, Malfoy wouldn't be dense enough to set up camp at his master's old hiding place, would he?"

"I'm counting on it," Harry said, before realising how unconvincing that sounded. "Abby, trust me, I know how Lucius thinks," he pleaded.

Tightening her lips, Abby sighed. She looked back at Robards, who still wore a hesitant frown. "I trust him, boss," she said, nodding. "His hunches are usually right, anyway."

Robards seemed to consider her words and decided arguing was of no use. With a nod, he beckoned them to his office and closed the door behind him. On the desk, Harry noticed a framed picture of a small girl on a broom, zooming through the air in full Quidditch gear. The two Aurors took a seat as their boss leaned on the desk.

"If you're really thinking of storming the place, we can't just barge in in broad daylight," he began.

"We, sir?" Harry asked.

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