Chapter 5

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Wordcount: 3552


"Happy birthday Harry!" Ginny's scream woke Harry to a blurry face surrounded by fiery red hair. She readily launched herself at his prone figure, showering his face with kisses. After a startled few moments, Harry steadily lost his grogginess and, through the blur that was his poor vision reached for her collar. He pulled her to a deep kiss that spread warmth through his entire body and effectively stopped her barrage of smaller kisses. When they came up for air, Harry reached for his glasses and turned to a bright smile speckled with freckles staring intently at him.

"Morning, Gin," he grinned sheepishly.

"Morning, my love." She threw her arms around him once more, sighing deeply in content.

"My love? A little sappy for us, don't you think?" He smirked at her mock outrage, kissing her again before sitting fully up.

"Prat," she said, standing up to give him room to start getting dressed. She shuffled uncomfortably on the spot as she saw his bare chest. She blushed at the sight, but couldn't seem to pry her eyes away from him. She seemed transfixed by the lightning-shaped scar that ran from the top of his abdomen to his collarbone. It seemed to fit in with his previous scar, located on his forehead, and Ginny couldn't help but realise the sad reality of that.

When he finally covered himself with an old Chuddley Cannons shirt that Ron had outgrown, she found herself the object of similar scrutiny.

"My eyes are up here, you know?" he chuckled as he pulled on some socks and trainers.

Blushing a deeper shade of red that almost matched her fiery hair, she smiled at him and held out her hand to lead him to the living room. The couple then walked hand in hand into a very busy kitchen. Molly Weasley moved frantically from one side of the kitchen to the other, muttering instructions to herself. Mr. Weasley sat at the table, a mug of tea in one hand and a copy of today's Daily Prophet in the other. As they sat down, treating themselves to another amazing breakfast, Arthur looked up and smiled at the kids.

"Morning, you two. Happy birthday Harry," he said with a nod and a slight lift of his mug.

"Thank you, Arthur," Harry replied in between servings. He felt extremely hungry for some reason, and he wasn't going to pass on a Molly Weasley breakfast.

"Happy birthday, dear," Molly called from over her shoulder as she noticed the two teenagers devouring her food. She smiled at him as he gulped down a third serving.

"Thanks, Molly. This is truly amazing," he exclaimed, gaining a vigorous nod from Ginny.

"It's no big deal, dears. I'm happy to cook for you. The house is not the same with so many sons moving on with their lives," she added wistfully before returning to her chores. The Weasleys were hosting a small party for their guest of honour today, and she intended to pull out all of the stops.

As breakfast drew to a close, Harry and Ginny retreated to the living room, where they snuggled on a couch in front of the unlit hearth. They stayed like that talking about nothing and everything at the same time, without noticing the scrutiny they were being subject to from the doorway.

As Arthur walked back into the kitchen, he beckoned his wife over to him and silently pointed to the middle of the living room, a smile etched on his face. Tears began to flow steadily from Molly's eyes, as she took in the sight in front of her. Harry and her daughter were talking and looking at each other with a fierce love in both their eyes.

"They really are serious, you gather?" she asked her husband, who had been watching the exchange between the young man he considered his son and his only daughter.

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