Chapter 27

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Wordcount: 4500


Five days had passed since Harry and Ginny Potter left for their honeymoon, and Molly had been left in charge of Mary. The diminutive witch enjoyed being with her Grandma Molly and spent most of her time helping the Weasley matriarch with her chores, as well as taking care of Victoire when Bill and Fleur left her in Molly's care. She was now teaching the small girl how to make sweet buns so she could cook them for the Potters when they got back, one week later.

Three days after the wedding, an issue on the Daily Prophet had been published about it. Of course, people were intrigued that the great Harry Potter had decided to get married without telling the rest of the wizarding world, but it was surprisingly devoid of gossip or misinformed 'facts'. Mary sat on the counter watching Molly cook and started thinking about the wedding. It had really been beautiful, she thought. She looked at Molly for a moment cocking her head.

"Hey, Grandma Molly?"

"Yes, dear?" said Molly over her shoulder.

"Do you think Harry and Ginny will have children of their own any time soon?" Mary asked her.

Molly suddenly tensed and frowned for a moment before relaxing. "That's a possibility, dear. Why do you ask?"

"No reason, I just always wanted a little brother or sister."

"Well, when they get back you can ask Harry about it. I'm sure it has crossed his mind now that they're married," assured Molly. The thought of her daughter getting pregnant at eighteen didn't ease her mind, but she knew her baby girl was all grown up now. She was a married woman, and Molly trusted her to make responsible decisions.

This seemed to appease Mary and they kept working on the sweet buns. Mary also spent a lot of time sketching on her notebook. She was making great use of the stationery set Harry had bought her last year, and she found there was no shortage of inspiration in one of the most magical households she had ever seen.

With the excitement of the wedding, and staying at the Burrow, Mary almost forgot her own birthday. So, two days later, she was greeted by the entire Weasley clan, minus Harry and Ginny with a big cake. Mary noticed that some of Harry's friends were there too, like Luna and Neville, with their respective couples. It was an amazing day for Mary, full of laughter and interesting conversations, most of whom seemed to involve Luna Lovegood and some fantastic creature or other.

She talked to Luna about helping her sketch some of the creatures she was researching in her travels. When Neville approached her, she smiled at him.

"Hello, Professor Longbottom," she greeted him.

"None of that, Mary. We're not at Hogwarts now, so I'm Neville," he told her, sitting across from her.

"Okay, Neville," she replied, smiling up at him, "How are the greenhouses?" she asked him.

"They're just great, Mary,' said Neville. He looked pensive for a moment, scratching the back of his head. "Do you think I'm doing a good job as a teacher?" he asked.

Mary grinned at the older man. "Of course!" she exclaimed. "Everyone has so much fun with you and my friend finally like learning something other than Defence."

"I'm glad you think so," he said proudly, puffing out his chest. "Actually, I want to tell you something," he said, leaning in.

"What is it?" said Mary, intrigued.

"Now, this is still a little secret, so try not to say anything," he said.

"I promise."

"I'm going to be the Herbology Professor as of this year," he announced proudly.

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