Entry 11

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But Dave, where would we be without a little drama? I know for a fact that you would NOT be the little Strider you are today if not for the most dramatic dramas to ever drama.

"...That's different."

"How is that different!?"

"It's different because you're being a drama queen over some little incident with a fucking awesome snack idea and the fact that I forgot about one of your allergies. Serious dude? And I'm overly dramatic because of ironic purposes, so it's very different."

"How was it a little incident!? I could have DIED, Dave!" *holds hand to chest*

"No you wouldn't have. Even with your peanut allergy, you wouldn't die because you have an Epi Pen which I know how to use to keep your head from blowing up, so you would've been fine. But now we don't even need to worry about it, so I don't know why the fuck we're still dwelling on it." *rolls eyes*

"Says the King of Drama who will harp about a situation for days, no matter how minor." *arches eyebrow*

"John that is a whole different level of drama on the echeladder than what you just did. It's so much higher than what you did, you don't even know. Besides, I was raised by Bro, and you know very well how my life is as a result of that."

"Fine, I'll drop it." *huffs*

"Good Egbert." *pats his head mockingly*

*glares* "Oh fuck off, Strider."


John it's ok, everyone forgets once in awhile.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. But best bros don't forget best bros' allergies."

"Really? Then what am I allergic to?" *crosses arms*

"You told me you were too cool for all that allergy shit."

"Yeah, because I am that cool. It's me."

"Whatever, Dave. I bet you're allergic to something totally stupid. I'm gonna find out what it is if it kills me!" *grins evilly*

"Why, so you can kill me? Not cool, man." *shakes head*

"What? No! Don't be stupid! I just want to hang it over you're head. Dave Strider, who isn't cool enough to be free from allergies. I wonder what Rose and Jade would say..." *wiggles eyebrows*

"Oh hell no. If I did happen to have any allergies---which I don't, cause I'm way too chill for that shit---you would NOT go and tell Lalonde and Harley. That is so uncool dude, that's like the highest offense in broship, to tell a bro's secret to their mutual lady friends."

"Well it shouldn't matter to you if you don't have any allergies for me to find."

"It doesn't matter, cool as a cucumber over here. I don't give a shit."

"Good. Then you shouldn't care if I do some digging around and make some threats?" *smirks*

"I am the epitome of uncaring about finding stupid shit that doesn't even exist. Go right ahead, be my motherfucking guest." *gestures around their apartment* "My bro secrets are your bro secrets."

"Mmhmm, we'll see about that, won't we?" *flies away*

"Nope, there's nothing to see. My record of secrets is completed unscratched. You're the only one who would break it with all the secrets you're hiding, like that certain one about our friend the midget troll? Yeah, I remembered that, don't think I forgot. I'm still going to find out what that secret is that you two as my bros won't tell me. Fucking rude and exclusive bastards."

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