Entry 1

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"Hey everybody, John here!" *waves* "Dave and I decided to open up this ask thing for all you guys!"

"'Sup people of the Internet."

"Anyways, feel free to ask us any questions you want, we'll answer them as best as we can!"

"Any questions, huh?" *raises eyebrow*

"Yeah, why not, Dave?"

"Oh nothing, dude, just trying to remind you that these are Internet people. There will most likely be fangirls, and fangirls pry. So maybe you should put restrictions on the questions, since you're uncomfortable about sharing certain things."

"What? Dave, that's ridiculous! Stop being so lame!" *sticks out tongue*

"Okay, don't say I didn't fucking warn you, man." *shrugs*

"Hey, look! We already have a question."

"Well here we go." *rolls eyes behind shades*


Dave, what do you think about John's love for Con Air and Nic Cage? John, what do you think about Dave's love for irony and apple juice?

"Con Air? It's the worst movie ever filmed, I can't even pretend to like it ironically, it's so bad. Honestly, I'm embarrassed to know this douche because he actually loves it. And Nic Cage can be a pretty cool dude, although it's like he always plays the same role. He's a dad, or a scientist/teacher, or both."

*whispers* "And John is adamant that he's not a homosexual, although he has little hearts in his eyes whenever anyone even mentions Nic Cage. He's totally bullshitting everyone."

"Shut up, Dave! Con Air is the best, and you're stupid for not realizing how awesome it is. Umm, and I guess his irony thing is okay. It makes it kind of hard to tell when he actually likes something, if it's just for ironic purposes, or if he really hates it, but other than that, I'm cool with it."

"You? Cool? Please."

"I told you to shut up, numbnuts! And apple juice is pretty good, but I don't drink it anymore, because Monster Howie Mandel can just reseal bottles, as I've told Dave before."

"Oh fuck you, Egbert. I haven't had piss yet, and you told me that, what, three years ago? Face it, Monster Howie Mandel doesn't have enough power to reseal a bottle."

"Yes he does, Dave! You're just living in denial. And when you drink that one apple juice and actually drink piss, I will be standing by laughing and doing the 'I told you so' dance."

*rolls eyes behind shades* "Uh-huh, sure thing, Egdork."

"Ugh, how many times do I have to tell you not to call me that?" *facepalm x2 combo*

"More than how many you've told me, obviously. Gog, Egdork, keep up."


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