Entry 13

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Hey John! The 30th anniversary of Ghostbusters is coming up! Thoughts?

*squeals* "Oh my Gog yes! All of my yes! I've been waiting for this day ALL YEAR! Watch the video I'm attaching, because I am going to steal Dave's wallet and buy a million of those donuts! I'll share with any Ghostbusters fans out there!" *smiles*

"John. John no. You will not waste my dough on motherfucking Ghostbusters donuts."

"Dave, we're bros, right?" *serious face*

"Yeah, we're tight as shit bros, why?" *quirks eyebrow*

"Bros let their bros have their obsessions. Bros help their bros get new things having to do with their bros' obsessions, especially when they're limited time only. So are you my bro, Dave?" *grabs both Dave's shoulders and stares at him intensely*

*sighs* "Alright, I give. I'll buy your shitty donuts."

*hugs Dave* "You're the best bro a dude could ask for!"

"Yeah yeah, I know." *smiles*


John, Ghostbusters is getting another movie with all women as the main actors, what do you think?

"I'll totally watch it! But if those chicks and dumbass producers fuck it up, I will fuck them up." *cracks knuckles*

"...you've been spending too much time with Vriska."


*cough* *whispers to Dave* Exactly how much have you told Rose, dude?

"...when my dear ecto-sister is in her psycho-analysis mode, you don't ignore her questions. It is literally impossible to not answer her when she's like that. It's fucking creepy as hell how she can wheedle things out of people, me specifically."

"Ah yes, that reminds me to contact Rose! Thanks Wolf!" *grins*

*suddenly Dave disappears and reappears a moment later with a shit-eating grin on his face*

"...what did you do?"

"I broke all the computers in the house except for the one we're using for the ask blog thing and locked the computer onto the ask thing only. You can't use Pesterchum now, so suck it, Egderp."

"I. Will. Fucking. Get. You." *glares*

"Good luck with that." *shoots John a thumbs up*

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