Entry 18

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*whispers to John* I'm gonna distract him, you go cut all his pants into short shorts.


*hands Dave some apple juice* Cheers, bro.

"Thanks Tatiri, you're the best!" *furiously snips away with scissors*

Meanwhile in the living room...

"Sweet bro, thanks." *takes apple juice and sips it thoughtfully* "Whoa, this is some fucking hella sweet aj. Some quality shit right here. Heaven in a gogdamn glass, I swear, I bet this is some entity's bodily fluids. I'm gonna savor this shit, I will make it last for-fucking-ever."


OMG...John! You should totally make Dave wear those when you're done with them!

"Hehehe...don't worry, I will." *snips away while laughing evilly*


Hey, Dave, ever listen to Broadway Karkat? If so, have you checked out his song GFDI Dave? If not, you need to listen to it.

"Broadway Karkat, huh? No, don't think I've ever heard of him. And he certainly isn't the real Vantas, I've never heard him sing a note in the entire time I've known him. I'll have to look this motherfucker up, see how legit he is."

*looks up GFDI Dave*

*listens to song*

"...what the hell did I just listen to? Was that a fucking zipper at the end? Like the song is good and all, sweet rhythm, cool lyrics, and dude has a pretty hella voice. Oh and duh, of course Vantas wants me, everybody wants me, I'm a Strider. But what the fuck was up with that? People legit ship us? Because honestly, I don't ever see that working out. Bros before homos, guys."

Meanwhile in Dave's room...

"Haha yes! I'm finally done!" *holds scissors up in triumph* "Now to get Dave to put these on..."

*walks into the living room after hanging up all the short shorts and hiding all the pants legs*

"Oh hey dude, where were you fucking around this time?"



"Hehe...um, I'm gonna get some water." *points to the kitchen and floats to get a glass*

*floats back in* "Whatcha doin?"

"Still answering shit on the ask thing."

"Oh, cool." *sips water and eyes Dave while he scrolls through the website (damn computer is still locked on the ask thing)*


Dave, have you heard of Imagine Dragons??? Oh John!! Have you heard of it too?? It's a band. If so, what's your favorite song?

"Oh yeah, Imagine Dragons. They're pretty chill. My favorite song of their's is probably

"Imagine Dragons is one of my favorite bands! They're so cool, I love all their songs! My favorite is probably On Top of the World or Nothing Left to Say."

"Those are pretty cool too. I also like Demons and I Bet My Life."

"Oh yeah, the new one?"

"Yup." *pops the p*

"They're pretty awesome."

"Yeah." *goes back to scrolling through the ask blog thing*

*while Dave's distracted, John "accidentally" spills his water all over Dave*

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