Entry 17

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Dave is that Cal. O>0
Haha I win now mwahahahahahha bye bye.

"Fuck, where? Where'd you see the little shit?" *glances around nervously*

"Dave, grow up, it's just your brother's stupid puppet."

"Dude, do you even remember what that puppet did?"


"Yeah, no shit."

"...where the hell is that thing?"

"No idea, bro."

*holds each other tightly in fear*


Suddenly Alpha trolls.
What do you do?

"I'd say hi and try to make some new friends!"

"Dude, we don't even know the Alpha trolls that well. They could be bat shit crazy psychopathic murderers for all we know."

"C'mon Dave, even trolls deserve the benefit of the doubt!"

"Whatever man, don't come crying to me when you're dead before your first shitty greeting prank."


John you should prank Dave by going in his closet and taking all his shirts then cutting all his pants into short-shorts.

"Hehehehehe." *grins evilly and drums fingers together*

*flies to Dave's room, pulls out his shirts, and lets them fly away on the wind*

*grabs his pants and a pair of scissors and gets to work*

"Dave is going to be SO pissed when he sees this!" *giggles*

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