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Katsuki looked at himself at the mirror and he immediately wanted to barf, "this looks fucking shitty." he commented as he look at his new uniform with disgust.

He was wearing a white collared shirt and dark pants, he is also instructed to wear some blue and orange uniform hats since it was required for every student to wear them. Their uniforms also include a dark jacket with the Shiketsu logo printed on the collar, but Katsuki was too pissed to wear the coat.

"I ain't fucking wearing this tacky shit." he grumbled beneath his breath as he slid the hat on his bag and grabbed the coat as he started to exit his room.

He never imagined himself going to the second top Hero school, he always aimed on being number one and he hated the fact that he'll be going to different highschool.

He immediately rolled his eyes as he swung his door open, only to be greeted by his father with an unsure look on his face, "I-uh-Katsuki..."

"What do you want, old man?" Katsuki winced his eyes as he scanned the brunet haired man who was standing across him.

His father laughed as he scratched his head shyly, "Uhm, I just want to say goodluck on-uhm-your first day in school." he said, making Katsuki click his tongue.

"I ain't no gradeschooler for you to be wishing me good luck, oyaji. But whatever, I'm heading out now. See ya." Katsuki rolled his eyes as he walked past Masaru, his father.

Masaru immediately nodded his head, "Yes, of course, I understand that, Katsuki." Masaru was immediately reminded of Mitsuki after seeing Katsuki. He just couldn't help but to shrug his head as he watch Katsuki head towards their living room.

He grabbed a piece of loaf from the table as he shoved both of his hands over his pockets, "OI KATSUKI! Take your breakfast first before leaving!" Mitsuki snapped as soon as she saw Katsuki leaving the house.

'ne, isn't that the kid from the sludge incident? You know about that, right?'

'Oh yeah, I remembered. He's the one All Might saved from the villain, right? The one with a explosion quirk?'

fucking morons, it's nitroglycerin.

'I heard he applied for Yuuei, the famous hero school. But he didn't got accepted.'

'Well, maybe Yuuei doesn't want to accept him.'

'why would that be?'

'because you know? No one wants kids who can't even protect themselves. Yuuei is a school of heroes, right? And that means students who study there have a lot of potential.'

'Yuuei must've want a clean records. And I guess they did the right choice. He doesn't look like he could be a hero. He's all grumpy and stuffs.'

I can fucking hear you talking shit, old hags!

Katsuki clicked his tongue as he walked towards the old ladies from their neighborhood who were gossiping about him. Even if they were whispering, Katsuki could hear them loud and clear.

He was gritting his teeth tightly as he let out an intense murderous intent. His eyes shaded with hues of crimson was dilating, veins in his forehead was pulsating; he was mad.

'Look he's heading towards us!'

"Oi old hags. I'm going to let y'all slide this time. But let me tell ya one thing." Katsuki balled his fists as he began to gnash his teeth together.

The old ladies seemed to be terrified, which made Katsuki smirk, "I'm going to be a fucking hero and I'm going to show y'all how I become the strongest." he sassed at them as he stood proudly. He'd admit that these old women were stepping on his pride and that even pisses him off.

The old women fell into sikence, not knowing what to say. They were speechless and scared of the hotheaded blond.

Katsuki clicked his tongue again in annoyance, "If you don't fucking have anything good to say, don't run your mouths. I could eat a whole bowl of Alphabet soup and shit out smarter statements than that." he grumbled as he turned away, eyebrows were crinkled and his face fumed in anger.

He felt frustrated, although he really wanted to go to Yuuei, he couldn't do anything. That made him more pissed, being unable to do anything about the results and sticking for the second best isn't his genre.

He was looking forward on being able to study there but turns out he won't be able to.

Katsuki balled his fists as he began to walk in a fast pace, he doesn't want to hear anything about him from anyone. He didn't owe them anything and he's going to prove it to them that he can be a hero.

He took the train to his school and this where his first day in highschool began. As he stood outside Shiketsu High's gate, he couldn't help but feel annoyed at the stares he was getting from the other students.

Well, he wasn't wearing his uniform properly and on the top of it, the other kids were scared of him because he looks like a wild beast that escaped from it's cage. If only he could just wipe off the sacry look on his face he wouldn't take all the attention.

They looked at him with fear and most of them avoided his gaze. A vein popped out from Katsuki's temples as his eyes twitched in anger.

"What are you dipshits looking at, hah?!"

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