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Pink petals started to fall to the ground as the wind blew, it was already springtime of the year; April. The month that every students enter a new school year. You, with your new highschool uniform stood with a trembling knee at the front gate of your new school.

"Malyshka, are you sure you want to do this?" your father leaned his head outside the car window, he couldn't wipe off the worried look on his face that made you chuckle.

"Yes, Papa! Don't worry! I know my way home. You should go now, or you'll be late for work." you waved your hand at him as he just let out a loud sigh in defeat. He already knew he couldn't change your mind.

"Okay, just be careful, okay? Have fun at school and don't push yourself too much." you nodded and Calix, your father began to drive away from you. You shook your head as you began to remember how worried he was earlier.

You walked towards the gates of Yuuei and you can't help but to be struck by awe and get intimidated by the gates.

The gates are taller than your previous school's making it look very intimidating. You gently slapped your forehead, "what am i so afraid of? it is just a gate." you sighed as you continued on walking.

You had a goal, and it is to top every exams, become number one in this school. It may sound petty and quite impossible but you never liked it when you're being compared to your brothers, because each of you had different capabilities. You wanted to prove everyone that you can be strong on your own with using your own quirk.

You scanned the place and you were greeted by large number of students who are also getting inside the school. You are getting pumped up and you can't wait to get yourself to class.

You made your way to the entrance of Yuuei when someone called you from afar, "HEY LOOK OUT!" you heard a man's voice rang behind you. You turned your head only to see a guy wearing the same uniform as yours, desperately waving his hand, signaling you to step aside. 

He was riding his bike and it seems like he lost control over it. You did what he told you to do, and in result he crashed on the wall. You winced as you immediately felt his pain after the impact, "Man, I'm sure that hurt... a lot." you gasped as you hurriedly approached the guy.

"Uh... Are you alright?" you asked while lending him a hand which he gladly accepted and let you help him stand on his feet. He shyly scratched the back of his neck as grinned widely.

You didn't mind smiling back at him since he looked really nice, "Yeah! Thanks by the way! I'm Eijiro, Eijiro Kirishima!" he introduced himself as he showed you his toothy grin.

You finally felt relieved that you already knew someone from yuuei. It somehow helped you ease from the feeling of anxiousness and you were glad to meet a nice guy like the redhead Kirishima.

You both shook hands before letting go, the red haired male picked his bike up and began to walk beside you on the way to the entrance of the school, "I'm (y/n) Nikolaev." you began to introduce yourself, trying not be rude as possible since you haven't gotten used to the place.

"eeeeeeh? Are you a foreigner? Your japanese is good, though? Wait- oh, you do look like one." the redhead commented as he placed his hand over his chin, gesturing as if that he was thinking of something.

You silently chuckled as you accompanied your new friend as he parked his bike on a bicycle parking rack and continued on walking towards Yuuei's large hallway, "Oh? By the way, what year are you and what class are you in?" he asked.

"Oh, I'm a first year and I belong in class 1-A. How about you?" you asked back and seeing his eyes glisten as he beamed widely made you feel happy too. You already knew what he's about to say and that's because his facial expressions says it all.

He wrapped his arms around your neck as he ruffled your hair while he laughed out loud, "Dude! We're in the same class! Would you look at that, (y/n)!" Kirishima chortled as happily cheered for the two of you.

You finally, for the first time of the day, felt relieved that you're going to be friends with an awesome person. You were sure that both of you will really get along well and you did hope that your other classmates would be as chill and outgoing kind of people like Kirishima.

"What's your quirk, (y/n)?" Kirishima asked, "Mine's hardening, my quirk allows me to harden and sharpen any parts of my body." he added as he showed you his hands while you watch him harden his palms.

'ah, here we go again with the quirk.'

"Oh? Me? My quirk is nightmare. I can materialize and form shadow beasts at will. It's not much of a big deal, haha." you kept it as simple as you could describe your quirk. You were quite nervous on letting other people know your quirk, in the fear that they might avoid you. 

You never had friends back in middle school because of your family's nobility and status in Russia and also about your quirk. You grew up having your brothers to look after you since no one wants to befriend you or any members your family. It was quite a shame to grow up alone but you never felt lonely.

"WOAAAAAH! THAT'S AWESOME! SO MANLY! YOU SHOULD SHOW ME YOUR QUIRK NEXT TIME, (Y/N)!" you flinched at the sudden escalation of Kirishima's voice. His eyes where shining, and he was excited after hearing about your quirk. You were surprised to see him getting happy instead of getting scared of you.

You nodded, "S-sure." You realized that this time, it's different. No one will judge you anymore. And this was the first time you ever felt like you had the freedom to do whatever you want. You can make friends and live out the dream you always wanted to achieve.

"By the way, I noticed that you had an accent, are you perhaps a russian or a german at some point?" Kirishima suddenly asked as he took his arms away from you, and you took it as an opportunity to fix your midly messy hair.

You nodded as you tucked the strands of your hair behind your ears while you pulled it up to tie it together with a hair tie, "Ah. You are quite the attentive person, Kirishima-san. And I'm just a half Russian since my mom happens to be a Japanese." you smiled as your lips contorted into a smile.

"Heehee, sorry. I just noticed. But that's cool!" he stuck his tongue out as he waved a peace sign at you, "And just call me Kirishima. You don't have to be polite. We're buddies now!"

you grinned at the thought of him having as your friend, "Okay!" as you began to chatter with the redhead on your way to class.

this is your starting point of the path you chose. And there's no turning back now.

i don't want to go with the mainstream that's why I chose Kirishima to be the first person (y/n) meets at the first day!

thank you everyone for reading this! I really appreciate it!

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