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"almost a month had pass, huh?" you whispered as you glanced over your phone's calendar.

It's been a month ever since you entered Yuuei and became a student there.

It wasn't easy to live away from your family who pampered you so much and indeed, the home sickness got you in the first two weeks of living in Japan.

But even though it seemed like it was hard, you mananged to live peacefully. Your classmates became your friends over time and you felt comfortable in your class already.

You learned how to save up and use your pocket money wisely. Since your dad only left you with enough money for you to buy all your necessities like food, and other stuff. It was the first time you have ever went to the mall alome and you were very happy to be able to experience that.

"(y/n)..." you immediately turned your head towards Kirishima who was already standing beside you, while you were too preoccupied with the train of thoughts that was going on your head.

Kirishima reached for your forehead while he placed his other hand in his forehead to check your temperature, "You're not sick, though? Earth to my precious (y/n)?" the red haired friend of yours called you again.

You were quite happy that Kirishima and you became friends. He instantly became your big brother that takes care of you when you're in school. Kaminari, Sero, Kirishima and Mina became your group and you always hang out with them.

Being with them is really fun, especially when you have Kaminari around. Mina is also like your big sister that always likes to fix your hair and style them into cute hairstyles.

You grinned as you took his hands off your forehead, "Yeah, what's up, Eiji?" you asked as you looked up to him since you were sitting in your seat.

Kirishima pointed Kaminari, Sero and Mina who was already at the hallway outside your classroom, "We've been calling you ever since the class ended and you were just staring at your phone." Kirishima sighed, "Anyways, let's have lunch. Sero said he'll treat us pudding."

Kirishima lied. Sero never said anything about treating you and others pudding but it's Kaminari's plan to make Sero treat you all some pudding to make him pay for calling Kaminari a dunce. Kirishima couldn't help but to feel sorry for their friend but he got no choice but to get along with it. 

Your face immediately lit up as you gathered your things and shoved it inside your bag like a boss, "Let's go!" you exclaimed as you began to pull Kirishima in the wrist.

Kirishima's lips curved into a small smile as he let you pull him, "slow down, (y/n)!"

He suddenly found you cute as you look really excited over pudding. The red haired male couldn't help but to notice how his heart clenched after seeing that sight of you. It was indeed a foreign feeling for him but he just let it slide like he always do.


"Bakugou-san!!!!!" A vein popped in Katsuki's temples as soon as he heard Inasa's voice from afar. He silently cursed under his breath as he rolled his eyes heavenward.

He shoved his hands on his pockets as he started to walk faster so that Inasa won't be able to catch up to him, "This is too early for this shit. Fucking want everyone to scram." he clicked his tongue.

A month after Katsuki entered Shiketsu High, and many things already happened. Though Inasa was the only person Katsuki was hanging out, he is completely a lone wolf.

Everyone is scared of him and even his classmates except from Inasa, doesn't want to even get close to him since he always looked really scary. Some are envious of him, because despite being a first year, he already shoved his foot to one of Shiketsu's strongest third years.

Katsuki began to do combat trainings on his own after school. He would always practice on how to use his quirk and familiarizing how his body work. He learnt different things in solidarity.

He is much more used to his quirk and he can use his hands and feet much faster than before.

Katsuki was indeed talented—a genius rather. He always aced tests and is the highest in class. He might look like a delinquent, but he is smarter than any of them. He has something to be bragged about.

"Bakugou-san!!! Wait up!" Katsuki irritably glared at Inasa who managed to catch up to Katsuki.

"You wanna die, you big oaf?" Katsuki's threats are useless to Inasa since Inasa isn't scared of him. But rather, he found Katsuki to be quite amusing. Inasa sees Katsuki as a tsundere who doesn't know how to communicate well and at the same time, he looked up to him for being a great person.

"Oh come on! You don't have to talk to your friend like that!" Inasa poyted as he wrapped his arms around Katsuki's neck as a friendly gesture but the blond was fast enough to remove it from him.

Katsuki is very close on punching Inasa in the gut but he managed to calm down a bit since he got a disciplinary probation for fighting with the second years last week, "Don't fucking touch me." he hissed but that only made Inasa laugh at him.

"Come on, Bakugou-san. It's already been a month since we've been hanging together. You don't need to act cold~" Inasa joined Katsuki on his walk towards their classroom.

"Scram!" Katsuki was really irritated, but he immediately realized something that put a large smirk in his face, "Already been a month."

He remembered his bet with the (h/c) girl from Yuuei. It's been a month since he was beaten and now that he'd become stronger than he was back then, he's hunger for victory starts to rise from slumber.

Inasa's eyes widened as soon as he saw Katsuki's palms began to smoke, "Ba-Bakugou-s-san?"

"You know what Inasa, you're very useful after all." Inasa's eyebrows clashed together out of confusion, "Wha-"

Katsuki clenched his jaws as his grin grew even wider. He can finally fight a worthy opponent. All he was looking forward was to fight you. He's been training nonstop and he already prepared himself for this time to come.

He just can't wait to test his new acquired skills and he knew that you will fight him properly this time.

"Thank you for reminding me that I have some deadline that I need to comply with today."

𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐢𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 | ᵇᵃᵏᵘᵍᵒᵘ ˣ ʳᵉᵃᵈᵉʳWhere stories live. Discover now