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"Yo." Katsuki's face immediately turned into a frown as soon as he saw you from afar.

He immediately turned towards the different direction, making you roll your eyes at him, "Hey! I'm talking to you, you know?!" you yelled while jogging towards him, trying to catch up with his pace.

"Well, I don't fucking want to talk to you, so piss off before I set your sorry ass on fire." he snapped as he whipped his head back at you. You couldn't help but to chuckle at his sudden throwing of tantrums.

"Come on! We're friends, right?" you nudged his side while wringling your eyebrows up and down while giving him a goofy grin.

Katsuki's face began to twist into an angry one as he irritably scratched his head, "HAH? WHO WANTS TO BE PART OF YOUR BULL-" he was about to snap again but he was interrupted in the middle of his sentence when a greenette had appeared right in front of you two. You noticed how his fingers were wrapped by bandages and you remembered that he hurt himself earlier during the USJ attack.

"Oh, Midoriya-"

"deku..." Katsuki left your side and began to storm towards the freckled boy, hands were smoking and is ready to come at him anytime.

The poor child was trembling just by knowing that the blond was going to hit him, "k-kacchan...i came here to-" he closed his eyes shut as he prepared himself for any impact.

"You came here to what? To look down on me again, huh-" he was about to swing his hand at Izuku when you ran and pushed the greenette back and switched position with him in one sweep.

A loud smack overwhelmed the silent hallways of yuuei. The impact made you tilt your head sidewards forcefully, all you could do was to bit the insides of your cheek as you let the pain resides in the cheeks where Katsuki hit you.

Katsuki's eyes widened as he immediately took his hand away, leaving him speechless after realizing what had happen. All happened too fast and yet you were able to push Izuku back to protect him.

Katsuki fell into silence, as his mind clouded with questions such as why did you that and why did you have to protect deku. But he couldn't make out a single word to describe how horrible he felt.

"(y/n)....a-are you alright?!" the freckled boy asked as he scanned your face, but you only gave him a small smile while ruffling his green, curly hair before turning to eye-widened blond.

You took something from your pocket and handed it over to Katsuki. He was hesitant to accept it at first but you grabbed his wrist and placed it on the top of his palms before walking away without looking back at him or Izuku.

"(y/n)...." Izuku muttered as his eyes followed you until you disappeared from his sight.

The greenette turned to look back at his childhood friend again and he saw Katsuki still left frozen in his place. Izuku had gathered all his strength to speak up to the blond, "K-kacchan...I know you hate me but don't hurt (y/n)-san...she's a nice person..."

Katsuki glared at Izuku and his crimson orbs flared with pure anger and regret. Izuku knew that he didn't mean what he did and now he is left confused. He never intended to hit you nor Izuku. But maybe he just hot carried away by his anger that his hands subconsciously moved on its own.

"i-if you'll excuse me, i will try to catch up with (y/n)-san..." the innocent freckled boy bowed his head at Katsuki before he ran to catch up to you, leaving the blond on his own.

Katsuki was being eaten by his guilt as soon as he opened his palms to see what did you gave him. It was his ID card, and now that he've realized it, that is why you were waiting for him outside the principal's office was because you wanted to return this to him? That even made him feel way worse.

𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐢𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 | ᵇᵃᵏᵘᵍᵒᵘ ˣ ʳᵉᵃᵈᵉʳWhere stories live. Discover now