A Stroll Through The Woods And Down The Memory Lane

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Rayla's pov

I run through the woods the sounds of branches being snapped brutally by sheer weight behind me. I run faster but it will catch up to me. I did not mean to disturb the banther but I did, and unfortunately for me, is a mama, with a baby. I Run out into a clearing, there is nowhere for me to go, I pull out my twin blades from my shirt, as the banther steps into the clearing. It is a massive, it's swipes at me with its gigantic paw I get to the ground and roll away from it. I sear it was one of my blades, it leaves a scratch on the underside of its paw. It is enraged now. There are trees all around us, I can scale one and wait out the banther. As I run to a tree I only have a minute to pause and comprehend the gigantic Shadow to descending on me before I black out.


" as the sun descends and The Moon Rises we grow more powerful by the minute, we will not deny Justice! " says Runnan a series of Cheers echoes around the enclosure as a moonshadow assassin elves applaud their leader. "Now everyone go prepare yourselves!" Runnan walks over to Rayla who is looking a bit uncomfortable "what a wrong?" He asks "oh nothing" says Rayla unconvincingly. Runnan sits next to Rayla on the big rock that the assassin's had previously gathered on. "Listen you are just as brave and strong as any of us maybe even stronger, you will do well." Runnan reassures her. Rayla smiles a little, "good luck ritual?" She asks Runnan nods and they do something that looks like a pinky swear while they both say, "the queen of dragons bring us luck!" The dream fades to black and there are glimpses of Runnan being held lovingly by another elf while a little Rayla is playing on the floor. A glimpse of a smile. Than blackness.

Hey loves, if you did not know not only am I obsessed with the Harry potter series and movies but I am also in love with the dragon prince!! And this is my first fan fic on it so yay!!! Please vote and comment love you all


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