hot brown sleeping potion?

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Claudia's p.o.v

Runnan looks at me as if I'm insane. I ignore him and run to the back of the library that holds all sorts of potions and ingredients for magic. Seeing that I'm out of his range of vision I let my face fall. After everything they had finally gotten together.

I grab a claw and three feathers off of the bookshelf and crush them in my hand, turning them into a dark purple powder. I get a vial off of the shelf and carefully transfer the powder into it. I walk back to runnan and put a fake smile back on my face.

"Let's go see them, I think a nice cup of hot brown morning potion will help."


A few minutes later I walk in to Rayla's room, "hello everyone!" I say "I brought you hot brown morning potion!"

I pass it around, knowing that in Rayla's cup I have dissolved the vial of powder. It shouldn't do anything other than elevate her all ready fragile condition all though there is a chance of death I'm not worried. When she drinks it, her eyelids begin to droop.

" Rayla." Says Calum shaking her lightly Rayla doesn't wake up.



I decide to make my exit as everyone starts to shout. I run out of the castle and into the woods knowing I won't be able to come back. I let a tear slip Down my cheek before I keep running.

I had barely escaped rotting in jail with my father now only to be forced leave. All because of jealousy. My own stupidity had caused this and I would have to pay the price.

I run until I stop at a cave. I put up an enchantment in the mouth of the cave, a cloaking spell. I lay down exhausted by the running. I close my eyes and drift of to sleep.

Hey loves this is my shortest chapter yet, please feel free to p.m. me any ideas, don't be shy. I'm open to all, for any of my stories. I know that this chapter might have been short but I had ran out of things to add on for this, it'll make more sense than that last chapter. Don't forget to come and vote y'all are amazing






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