invisible hands

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Runanns pov

I sit, staring at Rayla and Callum who are wrapped in each others arms each lulled to sleep by the rising and falling of each other's chest. I remember doing that that with him. his lack of name nags at me. it was, was. something I loved no doubt, something that would make the rain go away. Just thinking about it makes me swell with emotions I hadn't felt in so long. I close my eyes and drift off hoping that my subconscious will bring me his face.......


"It's been too long my love" a voice floats around the room. Surrounding me in a familiar sound. I whirl around.

"Where are you" . dim lights flicker on in a cave, no a dungeon.

" Not this again" I plead.

"yes" says the voice " I will make you mine for ever so we'll never lose each other again"

I see a staff , no, the staff that housed all the black magic that imprisoned me for two long years. The staff that took the better half of my memory.

"PLEASE NO." I yell into the abyss. The voice lets out a shrill laugh, and everything goes dark.

Runnans pov

I wake up in cold sweat with everybody looking at me. The bed sheets are wrapped around me constricting my chest. I struggle to breathe before wrestling the sheets off of me. Rayla looks concerned but before she can say anything I jump up and start running.

As fast as I can away from my problems. In to the woods farther and farther. I find a clearing in the middle of a ring of trees. They seem to glare at me. To mock me by saying "Why do you keep running."

I sink down to me knees, it feels like invisible hands of grief and loneliness are snaking around my heart and soul. I lay there and sob...

Hey yall sorry i hvent updated in a while i have 8 chritmasses so things can get hectic, t warms my heart to see so many ppl save this and ITS LIKE NUMBER 8 IN TINKER SO TYSM ILYSM you guys are truly amazing and thank you thank you. make sure to comment and vote





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