Define Love

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Runnans pov

"I can't lose her!" I say my voice unsteady  "she means the world to me."

Callum stands by my side "I know" he says "I haven't known her for nearly as long as you have but, I love her, with all my heart."

I shoot him a glance and raise my eyebrow " I will choose to ignore that comment." I say wiping a tear off my cheek.

he turns a bright red hue. "Well I-I mean like..." He stutters out. He doesn't get the chance to finish sentence, Rayla is thrashing around madly. I run over to her. Followed closely by Callum. I take her hand, it's dead cold.

"Shh shhh" I say fighting to keep my voice steady. "I'm here, I'm here" I push hair off her sweaty forehead.

"Please god no" callum says. He backs out of the room and breaks into a run when he gets to the hallway.

Rayla talks feverishly there are only a few words that make sense. One of them being my name. She starts to breathe hard. I take her hand and hold it not daring to let go.

"Please stay, I can't lose you.." I say quietly. She doesn't stop breathing hard. It hurts to see her like this. A fearless leader, a wonderful daughter. I think remembering all the times she cried for her mother and father when she was little.

Callum comes back into the room with a nurse. The nurse that I shouted at. I avoid eye contact as the nurse hurries over to Rayla. She picks a bottle up from the cart next to Rayla's bed. The cart In question has every sort of medical equipment And treatment possible.

The nurse pours the contents out of the bottle. It looks like oil full of chopped up herbs. She rubs it on her hands and starts to apply it to Rayla's wrists. Seconds later Rayla's violet eyes fly open.

Callum runs over to her other side and grabs her hand. He's looking down at her with love in his eyes.

"Ohthankgodyoureok!" He says breathlessly.

Rayla looks back at him with the same love in her eyes and pats the bed next to her. Callum lets go of her hand and props himself up next to her. He immediately grabs her hand again.

"What happened?" I say " how on earth did you manage to make a Banther that mad"

"I was just getting moonberrys when her baby walked up to me, she thought I was gonna hurt it, because she started to chase me!" Rayla rests her head on Callums shoulder and closes her eyes.

The nurse comes over with a tray,on it she has one needle for a shot.

"Ok Rayla this will only hurt for a second"

Rayla looks worried, then ever so slowly Callum's hand squeezes hers . I see her relax.

"How long do you want me to count for?" The nurse asks Seeing Raylas discomfort

"100?" Rayla asks hopefully every one in the room laughs.

"no sweetie I'm going to count to 3 ok?" Rayla nods
Why am I nervous?
Can Callum hold my hand too?
The nurse sticks the needle in Rayla's arm I wince. Then the nurse pulls it out. "You did great honey." The nurse says.

"Phew I'm glad that's over!" Says Callum still holding on to Rayla's hand Rayla playfully hits Callum.
She relaxes a bit, then sits upright abruptly looking at me.
"Runnan" she says " I had the strangest dream"

Thank you Loves for reading this don't forget to comment and vote I will try to update every week






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