Jelly Tarts And Distractions

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Raylas pov

My fingers are intertwined with Callum's. It feels like fire works when he touches me. I can tell he feels the same. Runnan had been gone for a while to tell Ezran that I was awake. When he returns he sits down. "Strange how?" He Asks, just as I'm about to tell him Ezran bursts out of a painting with bait in his arms "Rayla you're awake!!" He yells, bait glows blue and yellow. He comes over and gives me a hug.

Then he seems to notice me and Callum's hands. He looks at Callum, who has turned bright red. "I'm glad that you're better Rayla!" He says while he plops between me and Callum. He and Runnan exchange a glance and Runnan gives a slight nod of approval. I'm starting to think that Runnan told Ez other things than just me being awake.

"Hey bud." I say while I ruffle his hair. "Any way Runnan my dream was about......." I paused what if it really was just a dream? "Go on Rayla, I want to know." Says runnan gently. I don't want Ez to hear about when we came to kill his father so I come up with a distraction.

"Hey Ez, I'm a bit hungry, can you go get a tray of jelly tarts for me?" He hops up instantly, his one weakness. "Ok, I'll get enough for all of us!" He runs off with bait in his arms. I start to describe my dream. I hesitate at the part about Runnan and the other elf.

" You were with another elf" I say " it was a boy, you looked like-like you loved him." I finish quietly. Runnan pales "what was his name?" He asks. "I don't know." I say, scoot closer to Callum and lay my head on his shoulder. Runnan is thinking. "We need Lujanne." He says. "Why!" I say "because that way you can describe the elf to her and I can see if I know him." Runnan gets up and walks to the door. "Now excuse Me, I am going to crow to send a letter." He walks out and closes the door and leaves me, Callum, and the 100 questions swirling in my head alone.

Hey loves thank you for reading this story this is one of the longest chapters so far. Don't forget to comment and vote






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