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Raylas pov

He makes me so happy. And I want to make him feel the same. Callum walks in with medicine and food.
He sets the tray down on my bed
"Soo... um are you feeling better?" He asks uncapping the bottle filled with pills. I nod and take a jelly tart off the tray. He shakes out two pills and puts them in my hand.
" you have to let them dissolve. Put them under your Tongue."

I do as he says the taste isn't bad at first but then in turns bitter. I gag. Callum hides a smile.

"The doctor says you have to be active, wanna take a walk?" He asks. I nod and prop my self up. I wince at the slight pain in my side. He extends his hand and I take it. Instantly I relax. It just feels right. We make our way to the grounds in silence, enjoy each other's company. Im exhausted.

"Can we go sit?" I ask pointing to a stone bench.

"Yea of course!" He says as helps me over.

We sit in silence for a minute. I realize we're still holding hands and smile.

"Ya know I miss running around and having adventures" I say smiling.

"Me too" he says almost wistfully " I really loved going through Xadia, I still can't believe that Aunt Amya and Aunt Jani are having their second anniversary next week." I nod. It feels like almost yesterday she tried to kill me at banther lodge.

"They're lucky they found love." I mutter almost to myself.

"Yeah, I think I've found it" says callum. I look over at him." Yep" he says " jelly tarts, my love." I roll my eyes he got me hoping...

"But rayla, really, I think I found love." He says sheepishly. I look over at him. He looks back staring at me with his beautiful green eyes. Suddenly he kisses me. A long lovely kiss.

"Uhhhh" oh god. It's Ezran he has jelly smeared all over his face callum turns pink but I just smile. Standing with my two favorite people in the world.

Hey guys so Ik I said that they kissed for like the first time soooo expiation. I started this book before season 3 came out so the timeline is kinda screwed. Love you all please please please vote and (follow❤️😭🥺) comment. Byee

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