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Runnans pov

Im restless, he doesn't know I'm alive, and yet I don't know if he's alive. I start pacing back and forth in raylas room.

"Runnan, why don't ya go and find him, you'll never know otherwise." She says. She and callum are on her bed sharing a platter of jelly tarts. Ezran comes in with bait.

"I agree runnan" he says grabbing a tart " you deserve to be happy" a pang goes through my heart I killed his father and he wants me to be happy? I feel guilty.

"You should go because I'm betting with opeli that you'll find him" says callum trying to grab a tart out of raylas hand.

" you're bettin- why does everyone know.." I sputter. Apparently everyone knows.  Maybe that's how viren found out. 

"So you think I should go?" I ask tentatively

They all nod. I start to smile I'm in a room of people who love me.

"All right, I'll go, but I'll need someone to go with me, rayla?"

"I'll go" she says happily.

"Alright let me pack" I say and walk out the door.

I smell an end to the story, do you?? Love y'all comment and vote. Go check out this channel it's really funny

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