The coin

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Runnans pov
I can see him so clearly now, it's like the fog has been lifted from my brain. I decide to go to the person who put the fog in my brain. Viren. I walk down to the cells. And pass the dozen guards that guard his, they part and let me through. I stand behind the bars, wanting to create a barrier between me and this monster.

"Tell me the side affects the coin has. " I say my voice shaking.

Viren rolls over on his cot as much as his chains allow.

"TELL ME!" I yell my words echoing of the walls. Viren turns around. He spits . I've lost my patience. I take out a blow gun and hit him with a dart that will make him tell me anything. But it only lasts an hour.

"What do you want to know." He asks his eyes glazed over.

"Everything" I say bracing myself

"When I was just starting out in learning magic I came across a spell that put people in coins, my mentor told me it was to dangerous. And never to attempt it, he was weak.. he never used his powers to the full ability." He pauses. Then an evil smile creeps on his face, "he was my first coin, I kept him in there for a week. And his magic gauges went haywire-

"His gauges?" I interrupt

"Yes he had this system that tracked his health, after he went into the coin the gauges stopped working the were always just hovering above the death line."

The color goes from my face.. the flower... he- he wouldn't know. He thinks I'm dead...

"He also couldn't remember the little things, like basic spells, the coin affects people's memories different, your magic protected you from losing your memory completely."

He's right I'm an elf.

"Had you been in there only a week you're memory would've remained untouched, but Because it was one and a half years you've forgotten your love. It affects the best memories first."

Something isn't sitting right.. how did he know about..

"How did you know about him?!" I ask my hands shaking

He looks up with an evil smile " I still have friends elf ."

A chill goes down my spine. His eyes start rolling. My hour is up.

Hey loves tell everyone in the fandom abt this book because I'm smelling an end. Who knows🤷🏽‍♀️ love y'all so so so much thank you for so much reads ❤️❤️

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