A single flower.

575 23 1

Etherias poV

I walk past the fountain that held my loves last breath, my last hope. seeing Raylas flower still hurts.

It constantly reminded me of him.Everything does, the house that we shared, the meadow we danced in as children. His favorite flowers, that I always keep sitting on the table.

I hear a snap and crackle of a branch. I whip my head around to see Vittiore. A small 7 maybe 8 year old who constantly shadows me. her parents neglect her for the most of the day so I let her assist me with my inventions.

She looks up at me with he giant violet eyes. I take in her small frame. Very frail. She speaks not a word , an affect of domestic neglect I expect, and I smile at her and she just points to the fountain.

" I know" I say " I know hes gone" I walk away until she tugs at my shirt. I look again and see nothing.

I sight heavily and pick her up. I walk her over to the fountain and set her on the edge. "Look, only one flower."

She shakes her head gently and points. Squinting my eyes I lean forward to see his flower bobbing but not quite touching the bottom.


Hey loves, I  am sorry if the chapters are short but it helps me not run out of ideas if you have any requests or ideas I will try to work them in the story don't forget to comment and vote LOVE@sisterslytherin

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