Learning How To Speak Claudia

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Runnan pov

When I return I find something that makes my heart run fast. Callum and Rayla are both asleep, but Rayla's head is resting on Callum's chest and calum's hand is on her waist. They look so peaceful. I had that with someone once. I-I just can't seem to remember who. Suddenly memories flash back. A hug, a kiss, the touch of someone who loved me. And now, it's her. She has love in her life. I don't want to be alone, not again. A single tear rolls down my face I brush it away. I need to go to somewhere else and I know just where to go.

I arrive at the library. And I find the person I'm looking for.

"Hello Claudia." I say

"Hello Runnan, I Assume somthing is wrong?" She says not looking up from the incredibly thick book she is reading.

"How would you know?" I say.

"Well for one thing you normally avoid me." She says.

"Yes well, that is because you are too happy most of the time." I say indignantly, she just snorts.

"Anyway I need help with" I take a deep breath

"Rayla." Cluadia looks confused. "I think she likes Callum but I can't be alone, not again."I s ay.

She pauses for a moment and then taps her nose two times and points it at me. "What does that mean?" I ask.

" it means I have something " she says eyes Shining.

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