Illusions in memories

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Callums pov

"Rayla, Rayla wake up!" I yell.

I whirl around to ask Claudia what was in the drink. Only to find a cold space behind me where she was standing moments before. Rayla starts to seize, she starts gasping and choking on her own spit. I run back over to the medicine cart. I grab a jar of a thick blue substance. I uncork it and rub it on her wrists like I saw the nurse do. 

Rayla takes a raspy breath and the seizure stops. I let out a breath and a small prayer. I turn to see Runnan crouched on the ground muttering. I reach my hand down to lay on his shoulder, before my hand gets within an inch of him he hits it away.

"This...this damn place....keeps trying...trying to take her from me." He looks up at me with murder in his eyes "I.Won't.Lose.Her"

"Runnan, I.. she's not going anywhere...It's..It's ok." I murmur softly.

There's a cough and I whirl around to see Rayla's eyes half-opened. I fight the urge to freak out and sit on the side of her bed.

"Hey, you ok?" I ask softly.

She weakly shakes her head and I nod at Runnan. He walks out the door and I grab Rayla's hand, with no intentions of letting her go. I can't help but stare at her face her purple eyes, glittering with questions. 

"Can you talk?" I say, I mover her hand and press it to my lips gently.

"Yeah" She says. Her voice comes out raspy and it looks like it pains her to use.

I have her describe the man she saw in her dream to me. I sketch a bit and then show her the notebook. She either nods her head or shakes it telling me if I've got it wrong or right. At one point she takes the notebook and tries to sketch out what she saw. It ends up being just a few lines and circles and the odd smudge. 

Runnan comes back in with the nurse and a very familiar elf ten minutes later. 

"Really, you all need to be much more careful, she's bedridden for a reason." The nurse says fuming. She runs over to Rayla and checks her pulse and runs her hands along her neck checking for swollen glands.

"I could pretend to make it better if you want." The elf says. I look over to see the ever extravagant Lujanne.

"Not now." The Nurse snaps.

Runnans pov

Lujanne and Callum had walked out of the room to talk about her creating the illusion of the man that Rayla had seen. Rayla has been getting an assortment of treatments for the last ten or so minutes. The new court mage, a skywing elf named Libellule, has been talking to Rayla about how long it will take for her to heal completely.

Lujanne and Callum walk back in muttering to each other. Lujanne nods and closes her eyes for a minute before opening,

"Alright, I think I can accurately make an illusion now." She says with her eyes still closed.

"Go on then." I say. 

Lujanne waves her hand and an elf appears slowly. He slowly appears from the bottom up the picture becoming more clear with every second. 

My mouth opens and my mouth goes dry.

"He...I''s him...."

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