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Runnans pov

The circumstances are so odd. this tiny little thing with giant violet eyes and small frame, some how managed to best not one but two sixteen year old's. I now see that the blades she holds at their throats are Raylas. she's some how forced them into a kneeling position, standing behind them the silver weapons glinting menacingly in the last few rays of sunlight. I slowly put down my bow and sit down.

"hello" i say softly "I'm Runann, and these are my friends." I nod to Rayla and Callum. the little girls eyes narrow. i can see her mouth moving. like she wants to say something but cant. she just nods to the ground then to Rayla and Callum, as if to say

"you move and they get it."

i sit down and start praying. this will be a long night.

Etharis pov

I'm still in shock hours later, Vittiore actually spoke, she said thank you. she looked at me with her big eyes full of love. she gave me a hug and dashed away, no doubt to play with the moon guides. but even then, that was hours ago, she should've been back by now. what if she went outside and got bitten by a serpent? no, my Vittore is to smart. yes, my Vittiore. I smile to myself. ever since she took to haunting my work shop I decided that i wouldn't let anyone hurt her. I found her crying on a log, a broken doll in her hands, she reminded me so much of Runnan. But she should be here, I need to find her. I roam around and call her name periodically. I'm becoming increasingly more worried. I hear a scream ahead of me. My heart stops. I run as as fast as I can praying that Vittiore is ok. I crash through bushes and small trees, occasionally hitting a rose bush. I grit my teeth and ignore the pain.

"VITTIORE!" I yell hoping I'll hear her response. I hear a muffled scream to my left. I whirl around and run into a circle I see her.

"Vittiore, I'm here" I say. Sudden I stop dead in my sentence, because she's not alone.

OMG GUYS SO CLOSE TO THE END!! thanks to all of my peeps who stuck with me till the end❤️






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