Black sand

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Runnans POV

I sit up front on phoe-phoe anxiety courses through my veins.

What does if he doesn't want to see me, what if he didn't look for me on purpose?"

"No! I can't think like that!" I tell myself firmly I can't start to doubt my choices, we've come this far.  The sun is slowly creeping Down. I'm worried. If we don't get To the oasis before sundown, the soulfang  serpents might get us. An hour later we're at only half a mile away from the oasis, suddenly phoe-phoe begins to lose altitude. I hold on, Rayla and Callum begin to yell.

" IM HAVING A VERY VIVID FLASH BACK RIGHT NOW!!" callum yells. Rayla grabs my waist in a sad attempt to keep herself steady. We crash to the ground. I lay there for a minute just taking in the pain. The black Sand filling my mouth.

" runnan" rayla says pulling my arm "you need to get up, it's almost sun down.!"

I get up with a start. That means the snakes will be here soon. I walk over to callum who is laying on his back and pull him up. We hit the ground running. We are so close, only sprint away. But the sun. It will beat us in this race. We are only a couple feet away when I hear a muffled scream. It's rayla surrounded by the snakes.

"CALLUM, RUN YOU CAN MAKE IT!!" I yell tearing back to rayla. Whispering a silent prayer. I run around and see that most of the snakes no longer have there head on there body's. Raylas blades glinting read in the setting sun. I take out my bow and shoot the remaining snakes.

"Rayla go, I'll be right behind you.. go find callum." I say out of the corner of my mouth she backs into the oasis slowly. I shoot the last few snakes and back into the magic shield that will provide my sanctuary.

I turn around to see rayla and callum, both with a blade at their throat, held there by an 8 year old.

Omg y'all it's getting so close, love ya, pls pls pls vote and comment and share to anyone in the fandom❤️❤️❤️❤️






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