Days have passed

491 16 4

Ethrias POV

It's been days since we've gone to try and find runnan. I sigh and let out a sharp whistle, telling my moon guide to slow down. once he does I tie him to a nearby stream and motion to Vittiore to come closer.  We've been riding for what feels like forever. Vittiore has been an angel. Helping me find food. Keeping the moon guides calm. She reminds me of Runnan.

"You think you can find me some moonberrys?" I ask smiling softly. She gives me a shy smile and nods before scampering off into the woods. 

I turn around to make a circle for a campfire and begin to think.  "what If he doesn't remember me, or what if he found someone else" I can feel my face losing colour. "no, he wouldn't..."  

"All those promises we made to each other weren't for nothing" the words come out of my mouth this time, and echo around me in the darkness, hanging in the air. 

With a rustle of leaves, vittiore appears out of the bushes with a sack of berries. she quietly dumps them in a pot I've hung over the fire and closes the lid, jumping when it makes a loud clang noise. 

her little body recoils, obviously used to hearing a loud noise and then getting hurt. I frown looking at her tiny body and scarred face. 

"Did I ever tell you about him?" she shakes her head gently letting the moon catch in her white hair. 

"well, he's perfect, when we were kids he always talked about how one day he would rise to the top of some troop and lead it on an important mission." I smile remembering him in his entirety "his face got this look, it said I am here and I will be recognized." 

 reach my hand out to touch her shoulder gently, she flinches backwards before letting me rest it on her. "he'd love you, we raised a little girl like you a, it seems like only yesterday he walked through the door with  a screaming child and the last time I saw him they were walking hand in hand, with the intent of murder." 

the moon illuminates the camp sight, even as it waxes I can feel its power. it tells me that I shouldn't give up, that he's out there somewhere. "it's getting late, have some dinner and then go to bed, ill stay up to make sure nothing gets in the camp." 

Vittiore nods thankfully and scoops some berry mush out of the pot, she takes it into her tent and disappears. 


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