A Broken Knife

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Raylas pov

Runnan looks like he's seen a ghost. "Runnan" I say, he runs out of the room and throws up. When he returns he looks better.

"It's him it's really my fiance"
I sare at him shocked. My eyes begging him to continue and so he does.

"It started when we were 7..... "

A little Runnan looks sad and is sitting on a log messing with something, two parts of a knife as a little elf comes over. He stands there awkwardly for a moment. "may I?' he Blurts Runnan nods and he sits down looking at the knife.

"I could fix that !" He blurts again. Runnan looks happy. "Really?!" He says happily "cause my brother made it for me and he........" his face falls and his arms go limp. The little elf awkwardly puts his arm around Runnan. "Don't worry so is my mom" He says looking sad but only for a brief moment. "Sodoyouwannagotomyworkshop?" He stammers out. Runnan brightens at the prospect and the two walk of together.

Love y'all so much hope y'all have a good rest of the week don't forget to vote and comment.






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