I love you..

548 12 4

Runnans= italics.  Etharis= bold both= italics and bold

I must be dreaming ..

I am dreaming ..

But he's right there..

He seems so close..

He's has to be so close..

Only a few steps away..

If only I could take a few steps..

Why can't I make my body move?

I want him to be real..

I need him to be real..

Damnit just move..

He stepped towards me, what happens if I..

He's walking towards me..

Its him..

I'm running to him..

He's running to me..

I'm hugging him, I forgot..

I forgot..

I forgot how much I love him..

Why's my face wet?

We're both crying..

I cant wait anymore..

He's kissing me..

He's kissing me back..

I was so afraid I lost you forever. I refuse to lose you again.

"I love you."

"I love you too"


Omg y'all we are finally here, if you couldn't tell there was no talking in this chapter aside from the last two lines. I had the idea to just make it thoughts, I sorta thought it would make the chapter much more intimate if you will. Thanks to all who stuck with me from the beginning♥️♥️

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