Haplessness And Happiness

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runnan pov

I can feel it. something coming. almost like, hope, light, love. i rack my brains for any memory of him. I sit down on the guest bed Ez provided for me. Burying my head in my hands I sigh, how could I bring back anything.

A memory of his face. Of his touch, of his voice. I close my eyes and squeeze them shut tightly Then a memory hits me like a bolt of lightning.


Runnan and Ethari are teenagers now. Runnan is sitting cross legged on a fallen log under a cherry blossom tree. Ethari is hanging off of a low branch by his legs, upside down

"Hows your dad?"Runnan asks.

Ethari frowns. "Its the same, drinks too much, gets mad at me, passes out." he sighs "I wish mom was here, she could control him."

Runnan stays quiet. Ethari picks off a blossom and and drops it, a gentle breeze delivers it to Runnans outstretched palm.

"I wish I could make you happy" Runnan says " you don't deserve... you're too." 

Runnan is at a loss for word his face holding a pink glow

" I don't know" says Ethari " maybe I should just leave, xadia... and the world. .."

Runnan stands up " NO, you're perfect and I never want to lose you!" His voice holds a desperation "Ethari look at me, don't you ever leave"

Ethari jumps out of the tree and slowly makes his way to Runnan, the two are standing impossibly close. Heat radiating off of both their bodies.

"I won't" Ethari says  as he presses his lips to Runaan's. Its a short sweet kiss.  As they pull away Runnan looks dazed.  Ethari seeing this turns red and stammers,


Runnan looks at him eyes shinning and says softly,

" for what?"

He grabs Etharis waist and they kiss, ,passionate and long overdue.

Runnan's hand moves to Ethari's cheek and cups it lightly. He falls back roughly on the log and sits. Ethari sits on Runnan one leg on either side of him.

"How did I get so lucky?" He says looking at the man under him.

Runnan smiles and kisses him on the nose.

"On the contrary, how did I get so lucky?"

hey guys, its meee ty sm for 1k reads it means the world to me! make sure to vote and comment( and maybe follow) love ya guys.






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