the leaving

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Runnans POV

I grab my things and stuff them in a bag. The quickest way will be going through The midnight desert. Though it presents many challenges.

"Runnan?" Says rayla walking into the room, " are you sure we can't go around the desert"

"No rayla," I answer rather sharply, she looks hurt, so I soften my tone, "I've waited too long I need to see him."

"But let's not get messy in the execution of this." Lujanne says, she startles me, I didn't know she was standing at the door way. "The desert is dangerous Runnan it's for the better if we-"

"We're going through the desert, and that's final. I've waited too long, and lost too much." I say cutting her off.

Rayla bows her head in defeat and walks out of the room,Lujanne follows.
I go back to packing my things

              ❊.                            ❊.         ❊

An hour later we are ready to leave. It has been decided that rayla and Callum will come with me. Ezran  wanted to come but he had to attend to problems in the kingdoms. 

"Runnan, come on" says Rayla "Lujanne has a surprise for us"

We walk from my room to the courtyard in silence. Thinking about the journey we are about to start

"Phoe-phoe will accompany you on your journey, she will take you to the midnight desert, that is as far as she will go. You'll have to cross it your self."

"Thank you,"I say pulling myself onto Phoe-phoe

Rayla and Callum get up too. Rayla holding onto Me Callum  holding onto her, Phoe-Phoe lifts off and suddenly Even the castle seems small and insignificant.

Hello my lovely humans, make sure to  comment and,vote you know the usual, sadly this book is coming to an end, I might do an epilogue who knows






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