CHAPTER 7: The Great Race

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Death flew back towards the haven in a hurry, dashing his way towards the sanctuary, he felt the cold air blow across his skull as he gained more and more speed along the way. His mad race to Life caused everything to rapidly turn into a blur, for his vision could not keep up at such speeds across the realms.

He reeked of death as he took off, spreading his wings as far as they could reach to get to Life's secret home, which was far away from the other gods. Distressed, frail feathers flew off, leaving a trail behind him, as if he were a crow. The bird of Death.

His mind was only becoming a sifar, holding nothingness as his mind grew blank at the unbelievable presence in his soul. He could feel himself growing more and more powerful, the compelling nature of his force was rather terrifying, and it petrified him to be the cause of such an imbalance.

What would the others think? Would they believe that he, the god of Death, finally gave into Life's annoying ways? Finishing her off for good?

Thinking of Life, as he came to the sanctuary edge, his entire being became nothing but a màgoa, his heart breaking in the process as he came to realize the actual situation he was put in. He was being framed for her murder, and he knew it. He proceeded to take a singular footstep inside of the haven, and it seemed as if his thoughts were drowning him in the process, tearing him down with guilt and sorrow.

If only he had killed that damn child while he still had the chance.

He sat there along the border of the barrier, now gone due to Life's vanishing power. Hearing the psithurism along the tops of the trees, his heart trembled because it wasn't beautiful enough for him to find a sudden calmness throughout all of this. Even the beauty of her creations could not distract his mind.

Death stopped himself from stepping any further into the sanctuary, for he could already see the flowers in the distance starting to wilt due to Life's absence of power. He looked down at his foot, which had already taken a step inside of Life's domain, and it had already taken it's toll on the rapid creation's of Life. The plant life around him had already began to wilt and decay, which made him feel more of the tremendous amount of guilt he had already had.

As if everything had suddenly become an oblivion to him, he slowly turned around, and his hollow eyes were full of despair. He had lost someone who had grown to be his best friend that day, despite what everyone would say about the metaphorical Life and Death, and the sorrowful look on his face caused the power surge to come to a halt, prolonging the inevitable imbalance to occur.

Death walked for what seemed like forever, for he was merely passing the time. Someone could call him just a peripatetic, if they were not watching closely at his facial features of distress. His hollow eyes made it all the worse to an outsider, and his foul mood would cause them to rot away instantaneously if they neared.

Luckily no one had crossed his path to become a victim of Death.

However, he soon came to see that he was back into the desolate place he called home, and it was then when he had felt the anger boil inside of his soul. The murder of Life seethed him with a quiet resentment, and soon, he began to shout loudly, screaming in pain as he realized she was really gone.

Death could hear the storms brewing, as it began to rain down above from where he laid in the center of his home. The King had felt it too, roaring in both anger and sadness, an amalgamation of the two, creating such a force we called 'sullen'. Death, however, was only infuriated, creating a cry even Gods from other lands would be able to hear.

Suddenly, from his turbulent emotions, his power out-poured, and twice in one day, every being felt the imbalance of authority, and thus a darkened day was revealed, that no one should have been able to live through. Trees wilted, and the animals died as well. Death's overpowered gust of eternal rest spread across millions of living beings, causing them to feel a great discord of ever-lasting despondency.

His dwelling became dark, and it emitted a sense of anguish and desperation. A slow, blackened fog emerged from his body, making sure no one could near him in his state of paroxysm without the consequences being extremely dire. He reeked of Death.

Abruptly, during his charade of a scene, a lone soul wafted towards him, begging to be reaped and consumed by the void of Death that surrounded him. And yet, this particular soul refused to die, forcing the mist of the melancholy skeleton to locomote its way around it. The lone soul resonated within the darkness, spreading a certain light that the world needed at that moment of the absence of Light.

However, it was not yet strong enough to balance the overwhelming power that Death had created.

This attracted Death's attention, and the hurricane of emotion seemed to halt instantly, as he and the soul stood with each other in the eye of the storm. His hands wrapped themselves around the soul, as if he were afraid to touch it, and feared the disappearance of this soul too. He was afraid of everyone leaving him, just like Life did. How long would it be until someone else left him?

The soul rested in the palm of his hand, seeming to glow bright, rather than to fade away at everything else he had touched. It was almost relieving.

There was something nostalgic about this feeling that the soul gave off. A certain evocative apprehension that he could not grasp entirely as to why it refused to die.

A faint tint of green could be seen within the small mortal's soul, like a coil, it was wrapped around it, protecting it around the entire thing perfectly. Death had never seen something like this, and he was curious as to what it was exactly, distracting his mind slightly as the storm began to die down.

It felt like Life's presence, though faint, because this was merely the soul of the said being. But, that couldn't be possible, unless Life did have yet another child to pass on her powers to.

He looked deeper into the soul, trying to figure out who exactly said person is to be. It could be an animal, for all he knew. Death was perplexed as he did wander though the mortal realm, tracking down the soul vigilantly.

He could not believe the soul that it did come down to.

The very girl that he failed to reap earlier that day, possessing Life's power deep within her soul. It was locked away, ready to burst at the immense pressure that it was held under. It had seemed that Life had been preserving it and keeping it under control to keep her pure to inherit.

He couldn't understand.

Why a mortal?

Why not her own child?

They were so easily plagued in the end, easily manipulated into anything if they got anything of their desire in the end. They were greedy, whether you wished to believe that or not.

That girl was the balance, if this was true, and lacked the heartbeat to feel any emotion now that Death had made her cross the border of Life and Death. Her soul was the only thing keeping her alive, and Life's small amount of power leaking through was her only source of emotion now.

With the sudden realization of Life's murder, Death once again spread his wings, though exhausted emotionally already, he knew he needed to find this girl before Entropy found her first.

It was a race to Frisk.

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