CHAPTER 26: The fall

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Death paced back and fourth upon his sanctuary of decay, as if time wasn't fast enough for him in the moment. After his "encounter" with entropy, his nerves refused to settle and let him calm down. He had previously sent Crowa to check on Fisk upon her arriving back to his call, though, he didn't quite remember when he had sent his familiar through the ivy-covered walls of the realms. His robe hung heavy, creating a dreary atmosphere of melancholy dreams and quiet whispers. 

His cold lips attempted to part, for he had all but none. No lips, merely a skeleton of no flesh nor color. The complete lack of emotions and feeling. He rested his skull upon his palm, giving anything just to release the demons Entropy had planted inside of his mind. It was quite dangerous to have them floating inside of an empty being. Because he had no soul, it was easier to manipulate than those of a strong soul or even a weak soul. He could feel the crack of chaos, attempting to break open and free them all from their fateful prison of agony. It was torture for him to sit here and wait for the unforetold.

Yet despite it all, he still could not remove the human girl from his mind. Filled with fear for her safety, he knew Entropy was after her, which was only more pressing to the complicated matter. Entropy was one of the few Gods who spent most of their time in the human realm, however, she could just as easily come back to the realm of the Gods with a snap of her fingers and a giggle of mischief. She loved to play tricks on both the tortured and the innocent, though, that makes her no different than Death himself.

Displaying an elegant sorrow, Death wilted upon his desolate home as if he were in fact the flower dying upon his own arrival. His mind rotted against the sorry cries of the ones he had slain, and the future souls tugging at his robe, just begging to be taken. However, when the time eventually comes for them, they fight, running from his grip and his scythe.

His feelings were starting to arise back, as the emotions locked within his empty soul began to surface, the power of DEATH compelled his entire being. He did not want yet another power surge, for he could not upset the balance more than he already had. The balance was nothing but a trivial thing to him at the point in Entropy's little game of torture anyways.

But if he did not care about the balance, that necessarily was the equivalent of not caring about
Her, which, to his demise, was not correct. So, within this reasoning, Death could not openly say his lack of concern with upsetting the balance.

Frisk has started to grow on him over the time, chatting and talking in a jocular way, which was a dangerous input in of itself. If Entropy had found her, even with him by her side, she would not survive for long. Humans were easily corrupted; manipulated into greed and selfishness. She would be easily influenced by her selfish words. He could not let her return to the realm of the Gods, her power was too compelling and would attract any God in the realm at the sign of Life's hindrance.

Entropy would be looking in the realm of the Gods more, now that she knew Frisk could cross over successfully and unharmed. Holding Life's power, this doesn't kill her in the process of crossing the border of time and space to get to the realm of the Gods. That is why it's called the border of Life and Death, after all. If the power were to be extracted whilst she were in Death's realm..
Well, he didn't know what would happen.

It had never happened before.

Human cannot coexist with Gods, it was a proven fact. For the Gods themselves can only live inside of their own realm. The difference in the way time moves is entirely different towards the reality of time humans were used to.

Would they wilt away? Die instantly? Succumb to a slow, painful, suffocating Death?

It was a story waiting to be told, and Death was quite curious to see the results, if it were to happen. Though it was not preferred to use Frisk as the Lab Rat in this experiment.

She was lucky that Life's power hid her mortality from both the Gods, and the realm itself. For the realm itself was treated as a living being, seeing those who cannot cross, and prohibiting them from the gift that Life gave them.  And even the Gods would be alerted if a human were to fall inside of the realm and in fact survive. The realm itself would alert them to kill.

However, she held Life's power. The sole reason why she was alive right at this very moment, even in her realm. For she had no heartbeat, and upon her society finding this out, would only make matters more complicated. Her heart resides within the chamber of souls, open and vulnerable to both the good souls and the bad souls resting within there.

Would they protect the living creature's life source? Or would they awaken from their slumber and attack it? Clinging to Life once more, consumed with jealously and hatred? If only Death were allowed inside of the chamber. He could fix most of this mess right here and now.

However, not even he could step within the great chamber of souls, for the only entrance is through his blade. Once you were in, there was no getting out, now matter how powerful you were. However, this did not work with soulless beings, which did explain why Entropy was still alive. She could not die. She was an immortal.

Suddenly through the midst of Death in his ponderous state, he became overwhelmed with pure fear and anxiety. What was going on? What had happened? Was he predicting yet another thing of he future? 

Was Crowa causing this impeccable mixed emotion of fear and hatred?

Quickly, he felt the emptiness of his soul, feeling the part to where Crowa was connected to, listening deep down. He could feel his feathered friend was unharmed, for he felt no harm to himself, but It was obvious the crow needed to come back to realm of the Gods. However, before he did that, Death closed his eyes and felt the connection with Crowa, sparking the elements of nerves and life within his body.

Suddenly, Death could feel all around him, and see all. Inside of the human realm, he gazed upon the hospital room Crowa sat upon in. The crow was in fear of something. In fear of what exactly? Death could not know unless he saw for himself. He did not have time for Crowa to fly back here herself. It would take too long.

Deep down, Death knew there was something wrong with the human girl, though, he did not want to admit it. His reaction time was faster than before, finding something to actually care about, other than himself. 

Every emotion stopped within Death's consciousness, as he pulled away from the Bird's retinas in a panic. He was swift to move, his heart thumping rapidly as his wings took flight to fly. He could not waste another second inside of his chamber of Death. 

She shouldn't have been hurt, could she?

What was going to happen? 

Where was Life's power going to go if something did happen?

Mixed emotions played inside of his mind, as he pleaded to himself that she would be there at the border, and not in the forest of Death. All he could see was her body sprawled across the hospital room floor, unmoving, as the nurses crowded around her, desperately trying to save her life in a panic. 

Death was going to made sure she was there. 

He would not let her fall too.

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