CHAPTER 39: Fear

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Death could no longer harness the anger that spilled from the façade of his fakened smile. His wings, racing briskly across the realm, magnified his speed at which he would arrive. He could no longer sit and try to brush his compelling feelings aside of his hollow soul. He left a trail of Death behind him, decaying sorrows followed the empty vessel as he continued to cry in despair.

Nothing would allow Death in that very moment to cover an ounce of rationality within his mind. His soul, new to the emotion of anger, expressed it greatly and more extravagantly than ever before. His baffled thoughts only remained silent with the intent to kill. Deep inside, he knew where Undyne would be reporting to and he intended for every God there to witness her death. He would not back down.

His thoughts of remembering Frisk only made him peruse his actions more, for the self-blame had passed through his body; there was nothing but rage left within. Eyeing the mansion from above, Death's desire for her to suffer only intensified rapidly. What had awoken inside of him was not just an emotion; it was a monster. A warped time of fortune that would only suffice with the wealthiest of riches.

What was there left to discover inside of the hollow vessel? More anger? Resentment?

There was nothing left.

Not without her.

Death, landing near the vicinity of the large mansion, narrowed his empty eyes in an attempt to look for any others nearby in the area. His arms, reaching to open the large, mahogany doors, blew them open with a burst of raw force and power. His emotions spilled from the top of his enclosed jar, reflecting a miasma of pure death. It was enough to alert any god within the realm.

He said nothing upon walking into he large hall. His cold grimace latched onto the only creature inside of the opulent banquet hall. He no longer knew what to think in regard of his emotions. He no longer wished to control himself.

Standing at the other side of the room, the Goddess of war herself stood alone, one hand placed on the back of the king's golden throne. She returned the glare. Death had known she had sensed his presence the minute the mansion came into his field of view. His aura had been way too powerful to ignore the hatred reflecting from him.

"Death." She spoke.

Although she spoke with one, singular word, this enraged him further, igniting the short fuse he had tried to set aside. This kindled his eye to spark to life, showing the ire of hatred within just one short look. He wished for her to throw her pathetic voice out into the garbage where it belonged. He could no longer listen to the sounds of the iterations of her infuriating voice.

He charged, as if he were an entire different being in of itself. The goddess of war had not expected this type of reaction from a soulless being. "you need to pay for your sins." He only muttered, causing the Goddess so become quite nervous at what he was going to do.

Quickly drawing her weapon, ready for attack, Death grasped her frail neck with the bare bone of his hand. Her eyes grew wide, as century after century passed her eyes within the mere milliseconds of contact from his precarious touch. She could no longer breathe, for the grip he possessed was a force like no other she had ever encountered. She never knew a fight with death would be so easily won.

"You killed her." He whispered, peering into her eyes with no remorse. Death had made sure that she was aware that he would give her no mercy, no matter the consequences.

The goddess attempted to cry for help, as her eyes widened even further. Her magic failing, her spear dropped to the floor, dissipating in front of them both. She attempted to give Death a pleading look, begging for mercy at his hand. "You refused to give her mercy. So why should I give you any?"

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