CHAPTER 20: Lies

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Gasping quickly, my eyes stop open to the fuzzy world encased around me. My eyes did not yet clarify to the brightness after my long sleep, and it took them quite a bit to focus as I squinted at the bright ceiling light atop of me. Once they cleared up a bit, I could quickly tell that the bed I was laying in was not the bed of my own home, let alone the white walls that surrounded me. I was inside of one of the many rooms inside of the Ebott City Hospital.

Looking to my Left, I could see out of the tall, grand windows that stood high above the ground from where other people stood to gaze upon. Knowing what lied to my right, I was almost afraid to turn my head, fearing the door that stood in the entrance of the hallway to lead outside.

"Ah! Ms. Frisk!" A feminine voice cut off my wondrous thoughts. "So glad that you are awake." She smiled, almost robotically, as I jumped slightly and turned towards the hospital room nurse. "You must be very confused." She said, as if she were reading off of a script. Her robotic tone made my stress more apparent of the imperfections in my perfect society I had lived in for long. Why hadn't I seen them before? Had I been blindly brainwashed into thinking this was the best life I could live?

There was a moment of seen hesitation in my answer, which was my fault on the bar for not responding as quickly as I had wanted. "Actually, I am not, thank you." I attempted to dismiss the irregular behavior coming from her, however, she was persistent to say by my side, thus setting off more alarms inside of my head. "You may do what you must, and then be on your way." I said, looking at her, with the calmest face I could muster in my moment of panic. "I'm sure you have many patients waiting for you." I tried to make rather good points, however, she still did not seem that she had wanted to leave just yet.

She stiffened, but regained her calm, seemingly perfect composure. She did not expect my answer to have such a dismissing tone towards it. I had expelled her kind gesture, which had almost been unheard of in Ebott City up until this point. "I insist, Ms. Frisk," The nurse said, smiling once more. "Are you not all concerned about how you have managed to awaken inside of an emergency room on an early Sunday morning?" She asked, trying to reason with me. "Surely your curiosity must be spiked." She said, smiling once more, this one more forced than the others.

As much as I wished that my curiosity would be spiked, I couldn't help but hide the discomfort I felt of the small nurse pressuring me to give in to her persisting manner. It was almost implied, almost forceful. Why was I only able to see it now? Had everyone been like this? Why was she so obdurate to my opinions?

As questions swarmed my head, I thought back to what Sans had said. How someone had knocked me out cold onto the ground that Saturday afternoon. I couldn't understand as to why they would target me? Could it be the odd trail of life that seemed to follow me everywhere I went? Did they feel threatened of my presence here in the community? Could someone have had reported me, and my third strike was up already? As much as I wanted to question her, I could only stare blankly into my own thoughts, wishing I had said something. Devoid of all motion and noises around me, I thought again to what Sans had said quickly afterwards.

I had to be careful.

It wasn't save to jump right into question, and now, I needed a quick cover. "I believe I will wait until the doctor arrives to tell me." I said, smiling politely, and the nurse smiled with pleasure, and satisfaction with my answer. I wanted to grit my teeth to the sheer fact that I had given her exactly what she had wanted in this moment of time, but I had to remain calm under the pressure.

"That is okay." She said, smiling. "I will tell you in regard of him." She hummed, picking up the various tools around the small, metal side table next to me. "You were found there, unconscious." She said, "The doctors say maybe a cause was dehydration." She looked at me, as I tried to interrupt. "One of the SRO officers found you." She said, as if she were reciting off of a script. Her brunette hair was neatly tucked inside of a tight bun, and she quickly turned to exit before I asked any more questions. "Now, Someone is here to see you!" She said, thus confusing me more.

Why would the Sworn Law Officer have just found me unconscious? I had begun to believe Sans about the fact that my society was in fact lying to me after all. What else were they hiding from me?

Suddenly, interrupting my ponderous moment, Blake rushed into the room, holding three bouquets of multicolored flowers. "I heard you were SICK!" she said, her messy ponytail was falling out, as if she had ran here from the school by foot. "I BROUGHT FLOWERS!" She said, huffing madly to catch her breath. "NOW THAT I HAVE APPEASED YOU..." She yelled, attempting to point at me through the flowers. "YOU HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO GET BETTER!"

All I did was chuckle, slightly flinched due to the sudden loudness in her voice. The endorphins must be coursing through her bloodstream right about now, thus giving her an energy boost for a good while. "What did the doctors tell you?" I said, rather glumly. She quickly noticed my tired tone, and set the flowers down on the small waiting chair at the other end of the room.

"They told me you passed out from dehydration, and they had to put more water in your system before your body began shutting down." She said, huffing, "Frisk," She sighed, looking at me, now at the edge of the bed. "You need to take care of yourself." She said, a melancholy look in her face. "An SRO officer found you on the sidewalk a few yards away from your house."

"Blake," I said, in a hushed tone. "Do not give in to them." I said, looking around frantically for someone, afraid they might hear me. "They are lying about everything. They're... Brainwashing us!" I said, flailing my hands around, "we're not saf-!" I tried to say, but only turned my head towards the door swiftly, as the doctor came in at a brisk pace.

"SO!" He said, grinning a warm, fake smile. Just as the nurse had on her face as well. "I am sure everyone is now settled in and living comfortably?" he said, with a small clipboard in his right hand. "Good." He said, waiting for no answer from wither of us. Blake and I sat there in silence, and my skin had grown pale at the thought of a second before, and He could have heard much more. "Ms. Blake, right?" The doctor said, in his dark blue scrubs. "Could you come with me for a moment?" he said, extending his arm.

His mouth held the grin of no one. An empty vessel that played along with everything. Was I the only one able to see all of this? I couldn't understand as to why I couldn't see it all so clearly before? The doctor took her, nervous and quiet, out of the room and left me alone in the cold silence.

I could hear their muffled conversation faintly, and my eyes only grew in fear as the doctor talked to her about my 'condition'. "Now, Blake." He said, trying to keep it low, but above the miscellaneous noises on the actual hospital. "Ms. Frisk may experience delusional thoughts, I had forgotten to mention to you before visiting her." He smiled, as the pitch in his voice raised about a half step. "She hit her head quite hard on the pavement, and may be lethargic and/or confused as to where she is." He said. "Please pay no attention to what she says if it does concern you."

Blake only nodded, but there was a moment of silence and hesitation. Did she believe the doctor? Or did she believe me? I had not gotten he chance to explain myself on my immediate actions, but I had hoped that we could have had a bit more time.

Another question that lingered on my mind, is how did he know to come in at just the right time? Had he been watching us all along?

"Now, upon telling Ms. Frisk this," His voice was faint, but I could hear over the deafening silence of the room. "She is very confused, and telling her this will only make her more confused." He said, "So If you could just be weary, we were merely here for a conversation about paperwork being filed." He said, grinning once more.

"Lying if forbidden, though." Blake said, the first response I had heard her speak of to the Doctor. Her tone was questioned and skeptical. It was prominent that she did not fully believe the doctors lies 100 percent. "That would be breaking the rules." She said, taking the Doctor aback, as I could hear his scoff of annoyance.

"Just do as I say." His tone was demanding, and his friendly attitude had changed in a heartbeat once she had counteracted his plan to fool me. She went silent, and the door handle swung open, thus revealing the smiling Doctor, and a very scared Blake. "I apologize for that, Ms. Frisk!" He said, smiling a large, fake grin once more. "I just had to take care of somethings with your friend here." He said, chuckling. "You know, paperwork and all."

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