CHAPTER 12: Reborn

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The role of the God was not as easy as one may believe it to be.

Many rules and responsibilities come with the great amount of power bestowed upon these creatures of the separate realms. Them merely existing inside of this realm requires both great strength and strong minds, and no perishable being could ever have the ability to hold the power to remotely lay a finger on the lands where the Gods roamed. They would be crushed by the dense, sheer power weighing them down, and they would deteriorate into dust.

They would only become mere fragments of what they used to be.

The transient people of the imperfect lands cannot capture the capacity of a droplet of even the weakest of Gods, let alone the Goddess of Life. The impermanent silhouette of these humans continue to die before they reach the age of 100. They could not last more than a trivial century. Of course, as if they payed attention to the centuries passing by. Their history would always and constantly repeat itself, over and over again.

Rubbing his chin, Death let out a long sigh of frustration. He had known his suspicions were correct, but he had secretly yearned for the fact that they weren't so veracious, due to the complicated matters that came with the situation at hand. With the successor of Life being human, it only made things more difficult for Life to be reborn— IF she would ever be reborn inside the body of this... mortal.

He had thought Life was smarter than this. Her thoughtful and sharp nature led him to believe that she would indeed last for another few millennia, however, Death was beginning to think that this was the end of the balance they had all tried so hard to maintain.

Because humans are unable to sustain a living body for long, Life may not survive inside of a mortal being, thus her power has the potential of dying, as well as her last bit of hope for yet again another journey through many millennia to come. Her powers could also grow weak inside such a fragile soul, able to be so easily manipulated into darkness, and thus tainting Life's essence forever. Her capabilities were far too strong for a mortal soul to handle for such extended periods of time while she revitalizes.

This was a crucial time for the selected God to choose a very careful successor that they knew for certain that they were the right fit to carry on the role of the God. Once the selected God of the time has grown too weak to continue their role, they would find a host to be reborn once again after resting for years.

Even the weakest Gods rest for generations. How long would it take such a powerful God such as Life to be reborn?

Another weakened point was the fact that Death had no idea how long that bit of power had been resting inside of that human, or even, how much had been resting inside of her. Because Life had died so recently, the transition of power would be much longer if her soul had not reached it's carrier successfully in such a large amount. He did not know if she had rested the power there for years, or only merely days. If the case were days, this could be more dangerous than he had thought.

The fact that she could have a power surge from Life's death was terrifying, to say the least. Without Life's powers fully developed inside, the host could die if so much power was transferred all at once, thus ending a great era of balance and peace among the Gods. Who knows what could happen if this all came true in a matter of seconds?

Though the host seemed fine when Death had spoken to her, things could always change in a matter of hours, depending on how Life's strenuous power was uncontrolled within both her sound mind and her sound body. It was a hard gamble for a God. Most, if not all, lose their lives.

However, despite it all, Death knew what the hardest thing about this was going to be. The fact that she was mortal, meant he could not get within touching reach of her, and he needed to stand at least 3 feet away from the host at all times, no matter what the situation was, or he'd kill her.

Death had made a promise long ago to his old friend that he would protect the successor of Life to maintain the balance of Life and Death. But, had there really ever been a balance in the first place? Had there ever been an equal substantial amount of Life and Death inside of this merciless world?

How could he maintain a balance that was never there?

Death sighed once more, for his brain hurt from the thinking he had been required and cursed to do. His great mind had been pushed to the lengths of hell and back to try and come up with even the slightest bit of a plan.

Anything at all. He would accept at this rate.

But all he could think about was the most salient of facts when thinking about trying to protect Life's core.
He knew he would have to get close with the human in order to watch over her, and knew he would have to make excuses and cuts from his normal work to check of any abnormal activity of the awakening powers.

But the most pivotal thing about this way of approach, was the fact that Death had to keep one thought only inside of his mind.

He could not get attached to Frisk along this journey.

Because once he gets attached, the more vulnerable he becomes. And the more vulnerable he becomes ...
the more naive it was to continue this pitiful fantasy of a balance.

For everyone Death has come to care about ends up lifeless in the end. And the closer you are to such a cursed figure, the faster you are certain to fall.

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